Meltdown of Mad Dog (Satan's Savages MC Novel #4)

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Book: Meltdown of Mad Dog (Satan's Savages MC Novel #4) by K E Osborn Read Free Book Online
Authors: K E Osborn
hammer down, the wind flicking in my face, the engine vibrating through me.
    I take a deep breath knowing we won this round—yet again.
    Finally, I’m coming out on top.
    Mad Dog is victorious once again.

Chapter Six

    We’re at the indoor gun range for a bit of fun. I thought I’d bring the boys out to have a good time through all the chaos that’s surrounded us over the last few months. Though things have settled down a lot more in the last few.
    I’m setting up my aim in my booth as the lights flicker and go out, sending an emergency green hue lighting throughout the indoor area.
    “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I yell out, pulling my earmuffs from my ears and stepping out of the booth to see Chops. We look at each other raising our guns toward the door. Last time this happened, we met with some fuckheads. My brothers all step out of their booths noticing Chops and me and draw their weapons too.
    The door creaks open and in walks none other than fucking José, Manuel, and his two other lackeys. Huffing while shaking my head, I aim my gun right at José’s face.
    “Seriously fucker, tell me why I shouldn’t just put a bullet in you already?”
    José smirks and shakes his head. “Because if you were going to, Mad Dog, you would’ve by now. Let’s stop with the theatrics and put the guns down, hey?” he chides.
    So I raise my gun higher and pull off the safety. José laughs and rolls his eyes. “Always shooting for the drama. Look, I’m here on business. Seems you lied to us. I think we’ve been more than fair with you, Mad Dog. We’ve let you go about your affairs your way. We’ve let you think you were getting away with business for long enough, but honestly, did you think you could fool us with your lackey’s dealing your E in the raves and such? We know all about your boy, Randy. He’s making waves in town and not backward in coming forward telling people of his ties with you lot. He’s proud of it, to be honest… poor misguided fool.”
    Raising my eyebrow, I chew on my lip. One, because I’m pissed at Randy for talking about us, and two because they haven’t mentioned Papi. Maybe they don’t know about him…
    “Well, so you know. What does this mean? Randy is going to end up in a ditch? Or you’re going to steal him from us like you have with everyone else?”
    José laughs, shaking his head. “No, nothing like that. My employer has had just about enough of you trying to underhand us. We stated our terms. We’ve been nice about it—”
    “Easy, Mad Dog. All I’m saying is, my employer is little unsettled with the way you’re handling this little… disagreement. So he wants to meet to arrange a ceasefire.”
    I glance to Chops. He looks at me, furrowing his brows. “A meeting with the almighty and ever-secretive employer, hey? So, I’ll finally get to know who he is?”
    José nods and smiles. “Yes, he wants you to come alone, though—”
    “Nope, no way, not happening,” Chops butts in.
    José smiles tilting his head. “Well, that would be an unwise decision. I understand that you’re apprehensive about this—”
    “Apprehensive? Apprehensive! My president going into the lion’s den, meeting a guy we know nothing about, on his own. Meeting a guy who’s been killing off people we’ve been associating with, and you just expect us to be okay with that? You have more fucking rocks in your head than Uluru you fucking Mexican scum bag,” Chops defends me and I can’t help but smirk.
    “Now, now, there’s no need for name calling and such. The offer is there, use it as you will. Don’t, and the consequences could be dire… Just saying… How is Amelia by the way?”
    My eyes open wide and my blood curdles with rage. I step forward grabbing José by the scruff of his expensive shirt, pushing him back into Manuel, who has his gun aimed at my head. I glare so viciously at José that the veins in my neck feel like they might actually detonate into a

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