Meltdown of Mad Dog (Satan's Savages MC Novel #4)

Free Meltdown of Mad Dog (Satan's Savages MC Novel #4) by K E Osborn

Book: Meltdown of Mad Dog (Satan's Savages MC Novel #4) by K E Osborn Read Free Book Online
Authors: K E Osborn
learn how to talk to bikers, Randy.”
    He furrows his brows, tilting his head. “What, did I say something wrong?”
    I chuckle and shake my head. “It’s lucky I like you, son, I wouldn’t let many people call me a fucker and get away with it.”
    His eyes open wide and he pulls his lips into his teeth. “Shit, sorry bro, I didn’t think. That’s just how I normally talk, I meant nothing by it.”
    Shaking my head, I step over to him and slap his shoulder. “I know, that’s why I’m not going to slit your throat.”
    He just stares at me turning pale white.
    “I said I’m not going to slit your throat. Geez Randy, lighten up. I’m quite happy with you. Actually, you’re doing really well, and I’m glad to have you on our team.”
    He smiles, colour returning to his cheeks. “Really? Shit, that’s fucking epic, dude.”
    Raising an eyebrow at how kids talk these days, I smirk. “So you have the cash?”
    “Sure do, I’ll just grab it,” he offers and turns heading back toward his car.
    Turning, I grin at Penetrator as Randy strides back over with a bag. Taking it from him, I open it up and glance inside to see a stash of fifties. “And it’s all there?” I ask.
    Randy smirks and tilts his head. “You think if I wanted to get into your club, that I would go all stingy on the cash?”
    Nodding my head, I close the bag and lick my lips. I’m impressed, and while I may not trust him enough to come to back the compound, I trust him with the cash. He does want in, so I don’t think he’d short change me.
    “Good lad. Penetrator, grab the next installment.” Penetrator nods and traipses off toward his Hog. “So, what makes you want to join our club, Randy?” I ask.
    He smiles. “What’s not to love? You guys are fucking awesome. Riding bikes, fucking chicks, breaking the law, you guys are my idols.”
    Chuckling, I raise an eyebrow. “You know it can be dangerous, though. Shootouts, blood, guts, death?”
    He smiles and tilts his head. “I’m sure there’s not heaps of that, though, right?”
    Taking a deep breath as Penetrator and Acid chuckle to themselves, I shake my head. “Son you have no idea what you’re in for, and once you’re in, there’s no getting out. You really need to think about whether you seriously want to be a part of this. Yeah, there’s excitement, women, and all that. But death knocks on your door constantly, you gotta be prepared for that.”
    He swallows hard, as Penetrator hands him the bag of eccys to top up his stash. “Yeah, okay, I’ll have a think, but I still wanna be your lackey as you put it. I’m enjoying this, and I’m getting a good clientele base built up. People know I’m selling the good shit at the raves, so as long as you keep supplying me with the good tablets, I’ll keep distributing them for you.”
    Nodding, I open the bag in my hand and pull out a wad of fifties handing them to him. He opens his eyes wide, shaking his head and turning white again. “What’s this, some sort of test?”
    Laughing, I smile. I like this guy. “No, douche, this is called me being nice and giving you an extra payday. You’re doing well, I wanna show you we appreciate your work. Take the money, son.”
    He takes a step back his chest heaving like he’s unsure of what to do. “I don’t think I should.”
    Acid laughs and walks up to me grabbing the cash from my hand and throws it in the window of Randy’s car. Randy stares at Acid and shakes his head slightly, eyes wide open and mouth agape. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do right now.”
    “Say thank you, that would be nice,” Penetrator teases making me chuckle, as I stare at the scared little boy in front of me.
    “Shit, sorry… thank you,” he says more like a question than a statement.
    “You’re welcome. Now keep going the way you have been, and we can discuss your coming into the club at another time, once you’ve thought about it a bit further.”
    He nods and his body relaxes

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