Dragon Around
    Chapter One
    Mak finished his shower and wrapped a towel around his waist before he finished packing his bag. Today, the transporter was going to send him to the Shifting Crossroads, and he would be on his way to finding the woman for him.
    “And let’s just make sure that I have the samples.” He dug in the pocket of his coat and pulled out the hoof chips from his parents and the piece from his own hoof. They were together in a small vial and that much unicorn hoof could buy someone a small island in the pacific. If it had been unicorn horn, the price would go up exponentially, but no one in Mak’s family was up for a horn trim, including him.
    Whistling, he zipped up his bag, got dressed and quickly brushed his hair. He was nervous but excited. This day was the day he went to the Crossroads, and once there he might just find the woman who made his senses sing instead of being on the giving end all the time.
    It was great being a unicorn, women loved him, men loved him, luck was his constant companion and his car never got towed. He wanted more out of life. He wanted a mate to stand at his side and not beg to be under him every moment of every day. It got old quickly once the initial rush of lust wore away.
    He locked his door and got in his car, driving across town to the home of the transporter. Andio was waiting for him, the trip to the Crossroads was going to take place in an hour. It was a very good thing that he hit every green light.
    Andio Richards greeted him warmly. “I am so happy that you are on time, Mak. As you know, I have a finite window for the transport.”
    “I know. Here are the samples you asked for.” Mak held up the vial.
    Andio stepped aside to allow Mak entry to his office. “Please, come in.”
    Mak walked into the office next to the small bungalow. It was as tidy as it had been the last time he had visited, during the initial consult.
    As per the instructions, he had made arrangements for his car to be picked up in a few days. With this bag and the payment, he was set. All that remained was for him to sign contracts, complete his financial information for the payment of all incidentals at the Crossroads and he was good to go.
    Andio walked him through the procedure. “So, you sign the contract and hand over the samples, I enter your financial information into the system and give you an icon to wear around your wrist to pay for any transactions.”
    “Right, and then I stand in the circle and you send me to the Crossroads.”
    Andio grinned. “Precisely. Now, on to the contract.”
    The next thirty minutes were filled with bureaucracy that was shockingly familiar to Mak. As the advertising executive for his family’s company, he had worked out his fair share of the mind-numbing paperwork. This was different. This paperwork was the gateway to the possibility of a mate.
    “Are you sure you want to be doing this, Mak?” The transporter surprised him an instant before he signed the paperwork.
    Mak looked at him, and Andio blushed. “I mean, a man like you has women lining up for him.”
    Mak signed with a flourish, flicked over his account paperwork and fastened the charm on his wrist. He set the precious vial of unicorn trimmings on the table. “Those women are not the one I am looking for. I want a mate not a sex toy and I am willing to put some effort into finding one.”
    Andio sighed, but his eyes said he was having a problem following the logic. He nodded, took the bits of hoof and filed it away in a cabinet that appeared with a wave of his hand.
    Mak got to his feet and lifted his bag. “Is it time?”
    Andio nodded and showed him to the circle enamelled into the floor. “Stand there, and when you arrive, the raven’s name is Tony. He will take you where you need to be.”
    Mak felt the surge of magic a moment before the world brightened around him. He was on his way to the Crossroads, and it was too late to change his mind now.
    * * * *

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