Love Child

Free Love Child by Kat Austen

Book: Love Child by Kat Austen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kat Austen
looking at her before she said anything else. “I don’t want my first experience like that with you to be from your mouth or your hand or anything else besides . . .” She swallowed, the word seeming to stick in her throat.
    “Anything else besides what, my innocent girl?” My smile went crooked the more I watched her struggle to voice it.
    My amusement lit a fire in her eyes. The innocence turned to ashes from the flames. “Your cock ,” she said, not blinking. “I want our first orgasms with each other to be from you planting your baby inside of me, Abel. I want your cock to get me off, not your tongue.”
    The way the dirty words spilled from her mouth shocked the hell out of me. Fuck. My innocent virgin had a slutty side.
    “Adeline Matthews,” I breathed, unwinding my arms from her hips. If she wanted to beg for my cock, I’d give her what she wanted. “You are not just perfect. No, you are an angel that fell right from heaven into my bed.”
    She smiled at me, combing her fingers through my hair. “I don’t think angels are supposed to say cock.”
    Hearing her say it again shocked the hell out of me. It turned me on even more though. “Well, if they’re not supposed to say cock, they’re definitely not supposed to do what you’re about to let me do to your body.”
    I crawled up so my knees were nudging against her ass, and she lowered herself onto her back again. My cock, purple with need, was acquainting himself with the flesh of her stomach, but I stalled just one more minute to admire the view of her below me like this.
    Towering above her, I didn’t miss how vulnerable she looked. How fragile and small she was from this view. It made the animal inside me roar, desperate to breed with her. Above all of that, I noticed the way she stared at me, with so much trust and admiration. She’d only known me a handful of hours, but she trusted me. I’d never expected to find someone like Adeline through an arrangement with Love Child, but here she was, everything I’d ever wanted. Everything I’d been looking for. Willing my body to mate with hers, begging me to give her the kind of pleasure no man had, offering to create a child with me so I could know the gift of fatherhood.
    Adeline was so much more than the mother of my child. She was the great love of my life.
    With that revelation, I knew I couldn’t wait one more moment to be one with her. Grabbing my cock, I lowered him to her opening, which almost felt like it was releasing a stream.
    “Is all of this for me, baby?” I moaned, letting my head take a little dip in the warm, slippery wetness coating her pussy.
    “All for you,” she breathed, arching her back when my head worked against the entrance of her tight hole. “Only for you.”
    “That’s right. Only for me. All for me.”
    The veins in my forearms felt about to burst from holding myself in place, her entrance strangling the shit out of the head I’d barely managed to push inside her. She was so small it would be next to impossible not to hurt her. Maybe I could just get my head in a little farther, just enough to make sure that when I busted a nut, my cum shot into her. I could still get her pregnant that way, and I wouldn’t have to hurt her in the process.
    As it was, I could have gotten off if she spoke one more filthy word to me.
    “You’re too small for me,” I rasped, concentrating on not losing it right then. “I won’t risk hurting you, so I’m just going to squeeze a little more inside and fill you up with all of the cum I’ve been saving for you. Okay, baby?”
    Adeline opened her eyes and locked on mine. She draped one arm behind my neck, then the other. At the same time, her legs wound around my back. “No,” she whispered as her hips started to rotate into mine. And fuck . . . she forced that tight pussy up my cock. “Not okay.”
    My body collapsed over hers from the blinding pleasure, my arms just managing to brace me before I smashed her tiny body.

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