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Book: Chaos by Alexis Noelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexis Noelle
His voice sounds groggy, like he just woke up. The wedding is at noon so the guys need to be at the church by eleven.
    “At least you don’t have to deal with a rage filled pregnant woman with a newfound appreciation for throwing things.” I laugh.
    “Yeah, Whip was saying how he has had to learn how to duck lately.” I hear the jingling of his belt in the background. “You miss me last night?” His voice goes deeper and I swear it somehow goes right to my core.
    I did, but there is no way I want to admit that to him. “No, actually it was a nice vacation.”
    “See I’d believe you, if your voice didn’t get all shaky and you didn’t pause the way you did. As much as you might want to deny it, you’re as addicted to me as I am to you. You can also bet that tonight I’m going to be making up for lost time.” I hear some of the boys in the background. “I gotta go, babe. I’ll see you later though.”
    I say goodbye to him and think about how he is right. I really did miss him last night. It isn’t just that missed sex either. I missed having him around, talking to him, just being in his presence. In such a short time Torch has become a necessity for me. He feels like home.
    I get back to the house with the food and I swear Lucy almost tackles me when I walk in.
    “Girl, I thought she was gonna resort to cannibalism if you didn’t get here soon.” Nikki laughs and shakes her head.
    Lucy basically inhales her food before grabbing the curling iron she had heating up.
    “Need any help, Ma-Lucy?” I almost called her Mary; at this point I might have to dodge a burning iron being flung at my face.
    Her eyes narrow at me because she knows what I was about to call her. “No, this horse mane is hard enough for me to try and tame.” She huffs before turning around and starting to curl her hair.
    Nikki and I make ourselves scarce getting ready in the other room and basically staying clear of hurricane Lucy.
    After an hour she comes into the room hair and makeup looking beautiful, a smile finally on her face. “I’m sorry I’ve been so crazy. The stress of the wedding mixed with all the pregnancy hormones has made me nutso lately.”
    I smile at her. “Well, you look beautiful. You ready to get your dress on and marry that man?”
    She nods with the biggest smile I’ve ever seen on her face. We help Lucy into her dress and I breathe a sigh of relief when it zips up with no problem. Everyone goes out and gets into my car, and we are finally on our way to the church.
    “You know from the moment you walked into the club we all knew that the two of you would be together. That boy was hooked from day one. I have to say though I enjoyed him having to sit around and wait till you were eighteen.” Lucy and I laugh. Jordan used to watch her like a hawk and all the brothers knew she was off limits years before he ever claimed her. “Three years that man waited for you. If that isn’t dedication, I don’t know what is.”
    “Oh yeah?” Nikki looks over at me from the passenger seat. “How long did you keep Torch waiting again?”
    “That’s totally different. I never thought that we would ever get together.”
    “Yeah, sure.” Everyone laughs as we pull up to the church.
    We walk in through the back entrance so that Whip doesn’t see Lucy. Shooter is walking her down the aisle because, just like with me, he is basically like a father to her. We meet him at the front of the church.
    “All of you girls look beautiful.” He gives us all a soft smile that is rare coming from him. He turns to Lucy. “You ready for this, darlin’? If you’re havin’ second thoughts I can drive the getaway car.”
    She nudges his arm. “Shut up.”
    The piano start to play and Nikki steps into the open doorway so she can make her way down the aisle. After a few beats I follow her, my eyes immediately finding Torch standing at the front with Whip. His eyes lock on mine and they follow me the entire way up the aisle.

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