Lie Next to Me

Free Lie Next to Me by Sandi Lynn

Book: Lie Next to Me by Sandi Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandi Lynn
up the listings of apartments for rent in the area. I looked at the prices and shook my head. “I can’t afford any of these apartments.”
    “I may have something for you,” Jordyn said. “Let me call my dad.”
    She stepped away from the table as I sat there and contemplated on what to do. There was no way I could continue to live here. A few moments later, Jordyn sat back down and smiled.
    “I may have just the place you’re looking for. It’s not much and it needs to be cleaned up, but I think you could do wonders with it and it’s super cheap.”
    “Seriously?” I asked excitedly.
    “Follow me,” she said as she led me out the door and over to the next building. On the side of the building were a set of black, wrought-iron stairs that led to a door up above. The store below was a bakery and you could smell their bread from the street. Jordyn inserted the key into the lock and opened the door. She flipped the light switch as we walked inside.
    “It’s not much, but I think with some help, you can make this place a nice home.”
    “Jordyn, I don’t understand,” I said as I looked around.
    “My dad owns this building and Java Hut. He didn’t want the hassle of renting this place out, so he never did anything with it. I explained to him your situation and he said you’re more than welcome to fix the place up and he’ll only charge you $100 a month, water included. So, all you’ll have to pay is gas and lights and, in this little place, that won’t be much.”
    I didn’t know what to say. I was stunned at the generosity of Jordyn and her father. I looked around. To the left side was the small kitchen area with a stove, sink, refrigerator, and a small counter top. A few feet down was a closed door, which I had guessed to be the bathroom. I opened the door and just about died when I saw the filthiness of it.
    “Okay, so that needs some cleaning up,” Jordyn said as she pinched her nose closed.
    The bathroom had a toilet, sink, and a bathtub. No more than one person could be in there at one time. I walked over to a large window and pushed back the curtains. The sunlight that filtered in was amazing. It really brightened the whole place up.
    “I’ll take it.” I smiled.
    “Great. I’ll let my dad know, and Ollie and I will help you fix it up! I love to decorate.” She smiled as she hooked her arm around me.
    I smiled back at my new friend, but worry started to consume my mind about Ian’s reaction when I tell him I’d be leaving. I couldn’t stop thinking about last night and what he said to me. He wanted me and, when he touched me, I wanted him too. But if I let him have his way with me, I would be the one who would be destroyed, not him.
    “Earth to Rory,” Jordyn said as she waved her hand in front of my face. “Where were you?” She laughed.
    “Sorry. I was just picturing this place all done.”
    “I’ll bring some cleaning supplies with me tomorrow and, after our shift, we can come up here and start cleaning. I’ll get Ollie and a couple of his friends to help.”
    “Thank you, Jordyn. I’m so grateful for your help.”
    “That’s what friends and co-workers are for.” She smiled.

Chapter 8

    “How was your day?” I heard Ian ask as I stood on the shoreline and let the water soak my feet.
    “It was fine. How was your day?”
    He walked over and stood next to me. I looked down and saw that he didn’t have on any socks or shoes. In fact, he was dressed in khaki shorts and a cotton shirt. I looked him up and down.
    “Is there something wrong with me?” he asked.
    “No. I’m just not used to seeing you dressed so casually.”
    Ian laughed as he pushed my hair behind my ear. “What did you do today?”
    His fingers brushed against my ear, which resulted in shivers riveting throughout my body. I was going to have to tell him sooner or later about what I did and what I was doing.
    “I went back to the motel Stephen and I were at so I could retrieve something I left

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