Master of the Inn

Free Master of the Inn by Ella Jade

Book: Master of the Inn by Ella Jade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Jade
created against his chest drove him
insane with desire but he wanted to take things slow. Savoring the moment, he
let his hands explore her shoulders and arms, never taking his lips away from
hers. Who knew kissing could be so sensual?
    “Logan.” When she rocked against his dick he felt the warmth
of her juices seep through his pajama bottoms. She broke the kiss to trail her
lips along his jaw and down his neck. She placed hot, open-mouthed kisses
across his chest, moving lower to his stomach and waist.
    He glanced down, fighting the urge to twist his fingers
through her hair and guide her to where he needed her. Dominance wasn’t what
this moment was about. He wanted something else.
    She looked up at him and smirked just before tugging at his
pants. He lifted his hips allowing her to pull off his bottoms. She positioned
herself between his legs, teasing his cock with the tip of her tongue. Then his
balls, then the base of his shaft. She took her time with long, leisurely
    It was all he could do to not grab her and make her take
more. “So good.” He reached down and touched her face, running his thumb along
her cheek.
    She gently pushed his hand away. Then she continued working
her way up to the tip of his cock, swirling her tongue over the head. He could
feel the tenderness in each of her movements. The heat of her mouth and the
slickness of her tongue became his undoing. He felt the intensity in his
stomach but once his leg muscles tightened he knew he was done for. But then
she withdrew her mouth and kissed her way up his stomach, over his chest and to
his lips.
    “Not yet, sexy.” She smiled as she climbed back into his
lap. “I have plans.”
    He let out a frustrated sigh. No woman had ever dared to
deny him, let alone hold off his orgasm. But with her, it was different. He
found it amusing to let her lead.
    As she kissed his lips, she rubbed her pussy along the
length of his shaft. If she kept that up, he would come before he even got
inside her. With her tongue probing the inside of his mouth, she grabbed the
base of his cock and moved the tip along her slit.
    “Fuck! We need to take this upstairs.”
    She shook her head. “Right here, right now.” She inserted
the head of his cock inside her slick heat.
    “Whoa, cupcake, that feels too good. We need a condom.” If
she didn’t stop, he would throw her down and take her.
    Control? Where is my famous control now?
    She whispered into his ear, “I’m on the pill.” She kissed
her way back to his lips. “We don’t need a condom.”
    “Are you sure that’s what you want?”
    She nodded as she worked her body onto his cock.
    “I’ve never done it this way before.”
    “I’m your first?” She rocked against him engulfing him in
her warmth.
    “My only.” He closed his eyes and relished the feel of her.
No physical connection he’d created with another woman had felt like this. With
each of her rolling thrusts he met her with a slow upward motion.
    She ran her fingers through his hair as she kissed him.
Slipping his hand between them, he found her aroused nipples. He traced the
pads of his fingers over her breasts getting lost in the sounds of the sexy
noises she made each time he applied pressure to her nipples. The kissing
became more frantic, each breath a little more labored until finally neither of
them could take it anymore.
    Logan felt the intensity of his climax coming on, but he had
to take her with him, so he lowered his hand between them finding her clit. She
cried out his name when he pressed against it.
    “That’s my girl,” he whispered in her ear. “Come with me.”
    She gripped his shoulders and pushed down on him, clenching
his cock with the muscles of her sex. “Logan… I…” She dropped her head down
onto his chest as he came deep within her.
    He stroked her hair for what seemed like an eternity. She
lifted her head and stared into his eyes. He detected a hint of vulnerability
in hers. He ran his thumb along her

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