To Trust a Warrior: An Alien Rogue Romance (Starflight Academy Book 4)

Free To Trust a Warrior: An Alien Rogue Romance (Starflight Academy Book 4) by Immortal Angel

Book: To Trust a Warrior: An Alien Rogue Romance (Starflight Academy Book 4) by Immortal Angel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Immortal Angel
Chapter One
    Where was Hannah?
    Sitting up, Liam winced. His entire body ached, even his bones. All he wanted to do was take a pain pill and lie back in bed, but he had a horrible feeling something bad was happening to the little human he’d so recently made love to.
    Love to? Since when do I call mating a female making love?
    And the way they’d done things. The sex was different than it had ever been before. She’d taken the lead. She’d touched him so gently, setting the pace for them both.
    But where is she and why do I feel she is in trouble?
    That’s crazy , a tiny voice whispered in his mind. She probably just went to her room to sleep.
    He climbed to his feet and limped to his dresser, pulling clothes out at random. It took an embarrassing amount of effort to clothe himself, and he was exhausted and sweaty by the time he was done.
    I’ll lie down when I know she’s safe.
    As the doors to his room slid open, he found himself staring at two strange guards positioned on either side of her door.
    Probably a precaution after their attack on the roof.
    “What’s going on?” he asked anyway.
    Had there been a new problem?
    One guard glared at him. “Mind your business, Keltair.”
    Even this dickshit knew he was a Keltair? Geez. “Hannah is my business.”
    The guard walked up to him, and hesitated. A full head shorter than Liam, maybe he’d realized that threatening the large Keltair male wasn’t a good idea.
    Or maybe it’s the sight of your battered face.
    “Look,” the guard said, his voice wavering just a bit. “No one is to bother her tonight.”
    Liam hesitated. Hadn’t he had enough trouble already? Was he really going to fight a guard just because of a horrible feeling that Hannah was in trouble?
    “Is she in there alone?”
    The guard rolled his eyes. “Yup. We’ve been stationed here since we were assigned.”
    Maybe I should just go back to bed. She’s not my mate. I don’t have some extra heightened sense of her. This is nothing more than a feeling, probably brought about from all the drugs.
    Still he hesitated. Should he listen to logic or the nagging feeling in the back of his mind?
    He advanced on the guard. “Get out of my way.”
    The human took two steps back, looking at the other guard.
    Liam moved to the keypad beside her door. He typed in the security code, long ago having memorized it. Her doors slid open.
    “We’re going to contact the dean and let her know, Keltair,” the man spat. “I’m guessing you’ll be handing over your uniform before the night’s over.”
    Liam stepped into her room, speaking over his shoulder. “Yes, let the dean know. I’m sure she’ll be excited to give my father another reason to kill all of you.”
    The doors closed behind him.
    Inside the room, silence stretched. The lights were dim and nothing stirred. Liam made his way to her bed, wondering if he’d been a fool to break into the human female’s room over nothing more than a feeling. All logic said the mound in her bed was simply Hannah sleeping.
    And then, she cried out in her sleep.
    He frowned, limping slowly past the small kitchen to his right, and the standard academy couch and chairs to his left.
    She screamed, and he bolted across the remainder of her room.
    As he stared down at her face, he knew instantly that something was wrong. Her long black hair was matted to her sweaty face, and her pale skin looked ashen.
    A nightmare?
    Sitting at the edge of her bed, he brushed the hair back from her face. “Hannah?”
    Her hands twisted in the blankets. She struggled against some unseen force, whimpering.
    “It’s just a nightmare,” he said, trying to wake her from it gently, but she didn’t respond to his voice.
    “Hannah?” Now, he shook her.
    Still, she didn’t respond.
    He picked her up, wincing as the stitches on his stomach and chest pulled. “Wake up, damn it.”
    She fought with heavy limbs against his hold as tears streamed down her face.
    His heart twisted.

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