The Bride Gift

Free The Bride Gift by Sarah Hegger

Book: The Bride Gift by Sarah Hegger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Hegger
do not think it will be a simple matter to get rid of Sir Guy.” She twisted about.
    “Nell,” Colin rasped, as Helena wrung the water out of her hair.
    “What?” She turned. And her hands flew to her mouth to stop the sharp scream searing the back of her throat. The bliaut dropped from her fingers to the rock.
    A sword was pressed against Colin’s throat, so near to the skin that a small trail of blood snaked down his neck to stain the collar of his tunic. She tracked the gleam of the metal, past the unadorned pommel and into the coldest blue eyes she had ever seen.
    He didn’t speak. He didn’t need to, for the steel at Colin’s neck screamed loudly.
    Her mouth went dry. Words fled from her mind as Guy’s frigid stare transfixed her. He must have heard everything. He would murder Colin for certain.
    “Please—” Helena took a small step forward. “Do not kill him.”
    “Nell,” Colin whimpered.
    “Why?” her husband inquired, as soft as the breeze chilling her skin.
    “Because I ask it.”
    The sword disappeared so quickly she barely discerned the movement. Relief weakened her knees. She stumbled toward her cousin.
    Helena froze.
    “Leave,” he ordered Colin, who spared only a moment to glance in her direction before he was off, his feet slipping against the damp soil as he clawed his way up the incline. Time stilled. He was leaving her here with an angry husband. Helena yearned to beg Colin to stop, come back; take her with him.
    “You stay.”
    The blue of Colin’s tunic flashed between the trees. Escape . Her cousin had the right idea. She was a good runner. She could be up that incline faster than Colin. She took a single step.
    Guy was before her in a wink. Helena backed away from the large chest a hairsbreadth from her nose. His face held a complete lack of expression, more chilling than anything he could have said. The edges of the pool lapped against her bare feet. Finding herself stuck between him and the water, she cast a desperate glance behind her. The safety of the pool beckoned.
    He raised his arm and Helena flinched. A muscle in his jaw tightened and his hand descended slowly to the wet rope of hair hanging over her shoulder. Deliberately, he wound it around his fist, testing its weight and strength against the breadth of his hand.
    “You were swimming.”
    “Aye.” Her voice sounded shrill and thin.
    He clenched his fist in her hair. His hand was so large it could encircle her neck.
    She raised her eyes to his. They were as unreadable as ever.
    His gaze dropped to the damp linen of her shift. The fabric was almost transparent where it absorbed the water clinging to the upward thrust of her breasts. She sought to bring her arms up to cover her near nakedness, but her limbs refused to obey.
    He tugged on her hair firmly enough to force her head back. “Look at me, lady.” His voice rasped across her ears.
    His gaze penetrated right into the centre of her mind, laying her bare for him to read. The pressure on her hair was almost painful and her hands came up to cover his fist.
    “Your champion has left you to face my wrath,” he stated.
    “Colin cannot fight you,” she panted as he tightened his grip on her hair.
    “And you can?”
    Impotent tears stung the back of her lids. He held her so effortlessly; she was powerless in his grasp.
    He stepped closer until the tip of his boots bumped her bare, icy toes. “Would you kill me, lady?” His fingers opened and speared across the back of her head, dragging her face closer. She could see the darker ring of indigo that surrounded the paler blue in his eyes. “Would you, to be rid of me by midsummer?”
    “Nay,” Helena gasped.
    “Or your champion?” He forced her onto her toes. “Will the noble Colin plunge the dagger into my back?”
    “Release me.” The sensation of utter helplessness brought a flush of heat to her skin. Her hands clawed at his hold on her head, her nails digging into

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