The Gypsy Witch

Free The Gypsy Witch by Roberta Kagan

Book: The Gypsy Witch by Roberta Kagan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roberta Kagan
late for that."
"Perhaps it is, but I would like to speak with you, alone."
"Excuse me ladies, this is an old friend from a time long past."
Breezing past me, his black robe floating around him, he walked outside the door. I followed.
"So, my little flower, say that you missed me."
"Of course, Grigori. I missed you." The words tasted like bitter bile on my lips.
"Hmm, we did have some lovely times, did we not?'
I nodded, unable to speak.
His eyes penetrated my clothes and I was sure his memory reconstructed a time when he had shared my bed. Licking his lips, he considered how to go forward. Silent for several minutes, he seemed lost in thought. Then a look of confidence came over him and he smiled.
"Tonight I have an appointment with a Princess at the Moika Palace, one I must keep, I am afraid. However, a midnight rendezvous would be a pleasant change from all of these stuffy court ladies. You always were quite the lover, my dear."
He took my hand and pressed it to his lips.
"I will be dining with the Yusupov's and I am sure that if you go to the kitchen at their palace they will find work for you- cleaning perhaps. Then, when the dinner is done, I will find you. One of these ladies," he gestured to the women who awaited his return in the antechamber, "will do me the favor of driving you over. However, you must not speak of our intended meeting. Tell them you are an old friend of mine who has come to me in hopes of my finding work for you."
Amazed at his arrogance, I nodded in agreement.
Satisfied with my response, he arranged for a ride and before I knew it I was on my way.
The palace of the Yusupov's, small compared to the Romanov's, smacked of elegance. Off to the kitchen I went, and requested a day's work in exchange for a meal. The head cook, a large boned woman of undetermined age, with a light dusting of hair on her thick chins, agreed. I would be required to dust and shine all of the floors. Instead of making me finish my work first, out of pity she fed me right away. Until I began eating I did not realize the extent of my hunger. As I ate, I overheard her and another cook deep in conversation.
"Look at all this food and wine. The master insisted I order so much. Rather kindly, he said we could each have a plate before the guests arrive."

"This is so odd for the master to have a dinner party while the princess is out of town."
"I can't recall him ever doing it before. The wife has always been present at his dinners in the past. Who is to be attending?"
"Only one I am sure of is Grigori Rasputin. I think there will be others but I don't know who they are."
"Have you ever seen him?'
"No, never, but I hear he has magical powers and all women fall in love with him."
"I haven't either and I don't care if I never see him. The master says that when all the food is prepared you and I can have the rest of the night off."
"That would be nice for a change."
"Quite frankly, I can't wait. A nice evening to myself, how grand. We aren't even required to serve; he says he can manage alone. That's a pleasant change. Come on, hurry, let's get this work done so we can leave"
The entire day, I dusted , washed and shined the floors of the palace. Grigori arrived a little after sunset. I looked up from where I'd been kneeling on the hard marble to see him saunter past. Turning back for just a moment as he was escorted to a private chamber, he winked at me.
My back, knees and shoulders ached with the strain of the day's workload. When I tried to stand up straight, for a few moments I found it to be difficult.
    Sympathetic, due to the fierce temperatures outside, the head cook, a kind woman at heart, allowed me to sleep by the fire in the kitchen for the night. Her eyes shone with sympathy as she handed me a blanket. Then she and the other cook prepared to leave the palace for the night. Jovial at the prospect of an evening to themselves, the two cooks made their way out of the building, but not

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