Society Girls: Waverly

Free Society Girls: Waverly by Crystal Perkins

Book: Society Girls: Waverly by Crystal Perkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crystal Perkins
first? Is that okay?”
    Saint Knox has a nice ring to it. My self-control is a lot stronger than I ever thought it was as I force myself to sound calm when answering her. “That’s perfect. Can I climb on the bed with you?”
    She nods and moves to the center, tucking her legs underneath her. It should make her look sweet, and yeah, she is, but she’s also so damn sexy. The fact that she doesn’t even realize it makes her even hotter. I climb up and kneel in front of her.
    “This shouldn’t be weird. We’ve kissed and touched a little outside. Do you think it’s the bed that’s making it different ?”
    I shake my head. “No. I think it’s the anticipation. When we were in the daybed, we knew we’d be kissing, but we got used to it. I don’t know that I’ll ever get used to being able to touch and taste you.”
    “I like that. What you said. I…like it.”
    She reaches out and tentatively runs her hand over my biceps, shoulders, and then my pecs. I stay still, further cementing that sainthood of mine, as I let her explore my chest. When her hands move over my ribs, and then lower, to trace the ridges of my abs, I have to fist my hands in the comforter to keep from grabbing her. Even saints have limits, apparently.
    “Waverly,” I say on a groan, as she lightly scratches my abs, over and over again.
    She immediately pulls her hands back, her eyes going wide. She starts to move back, but I grab her, and pull her close. “I’m sorry. Was that wrong?”
    “No,” I promise her, leaning my forehead on hers. “That, my beautiful girl, was perfect.”
    “You were enjoying it.”
    She says it like she’s figured out some great secret, and it makes me wonder about her past even more. She’s a secret spy, and normally more confident than any woman I’ve ever met, but sex is a foreign concept to her. I’m happy to teach her everything I know, but I’ll admit it’s a little daunting knowing I’ll be her first. At more than just sex, it seems like.
    “I want you to lie down on your back for me. I’m going to make you feel good. I promise.”
    “What about you?”
    “We’ll get to me later. Right now I want to suck your nipples, and lick your pussy until you scream my name. Then I want to do it again, and again. Will you let me?”
    She does as I ask, and I follow her, bracing myself on my forearms. I have to take a moment to get my bearings as I look at her. I see the trust in her eyes, and the flush of her bare skin, letting me know she’s excited. I can smell her arousal in the air, and I know when I make it between her thighs, she’ll be wet and ready for my mouth and fingers. Not my cock, not yet, but I won’t push for that. I know she’s not quite ready, no matter what she says. Soon, but not tonight.
    That’s the last coherent thought I have as I place little kisses on her face, from forehead to jaw before taking her mouth. Kissing Waverly is like kissing the sun—too much, but not enough at the same time. I didn’t realize I was going through withdrawal, but now I know I’m addicted.

    W averly
    I should probably be participating, but Knox is doing such a good job on his own, and what if I do something wrong? No, I’m just going to lie here like he asked me to. Then, when he thinks we’re done, I’ll do some of the things I know how to do. Things I’ve never done, but was trained to do.
    Thoughts of my training make my whole body go rigid, and I immediately realize my mistake. Knox was just biting down on the sensitive skin behind my ear, but he immediately sits back on his heels, a panicked look on his face. “Did I hurt you?”
    “No.” Dammit! Why can’t I be normal? “I-I was just thinking too much.”
    “We can do this another day. Let’s just kiss. Is that okay? Kissing?”
    I nod, ashamed of my past, and embarrassed in the present. “Thank you.”
    “You shouldn’t be thanking me for doing something I love,” he says, lying down next to me.
    He wraps

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