Love Finds You in Groom, Texas

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Book: Love Finds You in Groom, Texas by Janice Hanna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janice Hanna
Tags: Love Finds You in Groom Texas
to the acreage before them. “It’s really something, isn’t it?”
    “I’ve never seen anything quite like it.”
    “Keep your eyes on that field over there.” He pointed to the west. “Every few minutes the sunset changes and you see something new. If you stand here long enough, you can see literally dozens of different colors. It’s like a kaleidoscope.”
    A few minutes later, she gasped. “Oh, I see what you mean. First it was red, and now it’s sort of a purple color.”
    “Yes, and that will eventually fade to pink and gray, so keep watching.”
    They stood in silence as the sun slipped over the horizon and left behind heavy gray skies. Still neither of them moved.
    After a while Anne yawned, and Jake fought the temptation to slip his arm across her shoulder so that she could rest against him. “Sounds like we need to get you back inside. You’ve got to be exhausted.”
    “I am tired, but it’s so beautiful here, even in the dark. So peaceful and quiet.” She offered another sweet smile, which he could barely make out in the hazy shadows of the evening. “Just a couple more minutes?”
    “Of course.”
    “You’re very blessed to live in such a wide-open space,” she said after a few moments of silence. “Do you ever feel…lost?”
    “Lost?” He shook his head. “Not that I can remember. Of course, I’m surrounded on every side by family. It’s hard to feel lost when the people you love are all nearby.”
    He paused, realizing the pain his words must be causing her since she’d just lost a parent. How insensitive could he be?
    She sniffled and he reached for his handkerchief once again.
    “I’m sorry.” She turned his way, her voice as soft as lamb’s wool. “I think I’m just exhausted. I’m not usually this emotional. I try to be the strong one for my sisters. Ever since Papa died…” Her words drifted off.
    “You don’t have to say anything else. And I’m sorry if I hurt you with what I said a minute ago, about having family surrounding me on every side. I don’t ever want anyone to think I dislike having family nearby. They’re wonderful. Chaotic, but wonderful. I love every single person and would give my life for any one of them. So it’s not that I feel crowded. I’m just…” He found himself unable to continue. How could he explain what he really felt? That he couldn’t live up to what others expected of him? That no matter how long he tried, folks would go on seeing him as nothing but the baby brother?
    “There’s plenty of room for everyone here.” She gestured to the open field. “I’ve never seen so much land.” She paused, her eyes widening. “Oh, look!” She pointed heavenward. “I can actually see the stars here.”
    “Well, of course.” He chuckled. “They’re as bright as candles. It’s like this every night.”
    “Not in Denver. With all the tall buildings, I rarely caught a glimpse of the stars. But out here, it’s magnificent.”
    “Mama always says you can reach out and touch the stars. That’s one of the things that drew her father to the Panhandle.” He chuckled. “When I was a kid, my grandfather used to tell me to snatch ’em in my hand and put ’em in my pocket.”
    “In your pocket? Why?”
    “So I wouldn’t lose them.” He laughed. “I can’t tell you how old I was when I finally figured out that the stars were too big to be able to reach out and grab with my hand. It was quite a letdown, let me tell you.”
    A contented sigh followed from Anne…and then a yawn. Afterward, she turned his way. “I guess it’s time to get back inside. It’s been a long day.”
    “Mm-hmm.” He wanted to add, “It’s been a wonderful day,” but didn’t. Instead, he offered her his arm so they could walk together across the field toward the house. Maybe, if he took small steps, he could snatch a few extra moments alone with Guinevere.
    No, not so. From the porch, he heard Kate’s voice. “Annie, are you coming in? It’s

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