Vanishing Acts

Free Vanishing Acts by Leslie Margolis

Book: Vanishing Acts by Leslie Margolis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leslie Margolis
guard—something Lucy knew all about.
    â€œYeah, but Seth is the only reason we all signed up to be extras. Beatrix and Sonya tried to get close to ask for his autograph for their scrapbook, but this lady with big blond hair came over and started yelling at them. So they ran away.”
    â€œThat’s not cool, but better to be run off than carried off.”
    â€œToo true.” Lucy sighed. “Still, sometimes I wish the inflatable crowd had never blown away. You’re kind of lucky you got thrown off the set.”
    â€œExcept once the movie comes out I’ll be totally jealous that you guys are going to be in it. Plus, I got accused of being a stalker, which could not be more humiliating.”
    â€œThere’s that,” said Lucy. “Hey, I have to run to the bathroom. You okay holding this table solo?”
    â€œSure,” I replied, glancing at Finn and Milo. The line snaked almost to the door, and they were still practically at the end of it.
    Just then Milo caught my eye and waved.
    I waved back, wondering if maybe he thought this was a date. Was he going to walk me home after? Would we hold hands? Should I try to kiss him?
    Soon after Lucy left, this teenage couple swooped in like vultures and asked if I was leaving. “Nope. Just waiting for my friends,” I said.
    After they moved on, a mom with a newborn attached to her chest asked me if I’d mind if she changed her baby on the tabletop, and I said, “Ew, no. I mean, yes, I do mind.”
    And then some guy came over and asked if he could sit down.
    I’d definitely heard his voice somewhere before. But I couldn’t place him. Not right away, with his face obscured by a big blue baseball cap. It was pulled down low and his shoulders were hunched like he was trying to shrink into himself.
    I said, “Sorry, dude. Table’s taken.”
    But he continued standing, grinning this goofy, nervous, and kind of familiar grin.
    I gave him a closer look and realized I
seen him before—many times.
    And he wasn’t just some guy.
    He was Seth Ryan.

Chapter 10

    â€œHey, can I ask you something?” Seth wondered, all casual. Not just like we knew each other—more like we were best buds who hung out all the time and it was perfectly normal for us to meet up for pizza on a Thursday night. He acted like he didn’t even remember his security guard bombarding me yesterday.
    And I know he’s this super celebrity who can make millions of hearts race all across the universe with one famous on-screen smile, but seeing him up close in real life after yesterday? Even though half of me wanted to do giddy backflips of joy, I snapped.
    â€œNot until I ask you something,” I said. “What’s the deal with calling me over to your trailer and then disappearing when your security guard shows up?”
    Seth blinked and straightened up, truly stunned. Maybe because I yelled at him. Yes, probably because of that. I didn’t mean to. Honestly, it just sort of happened.
    And I could see how he’s not used to people raising their voices at him. With the exception of screaming fans, I mean.
    But I didn’t expect him to look so scared. He stood there frozen. I’m talking full-on statue pose. I could have knocked him over with a finger. Which meant I’d just scared the most famous guy in Hollywood—something I now felt bad about.
    â€œYou okay?” I asked.
    â€œNo. I mean, yes, I’m fine. And I’m sorry.” Seth blinked and readjusted his baseball cap, sort of straightening it—not because it needed to be straightened, but because he needed something to do. “You’re right. It’s just—I don’t know. Sorry to bug you . . .” He backed away—or tried to, that is, but instead he walked straight into someone’s giant red baby stroller.
    â€œWatch it!” yelled the baby’s dad. “You’re jostling my

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