Deathless & Divided (The Chicago War #1)

Free Deathless & Divided (The Chicago War #1) by Bethany-Kris

Book: Deathless & Divided (The Chicago War #1) by Bethany-Kris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bethany-Kris
with some shit.”
    “Work, you mean,” Abriella said. “Somebody’s dealing in here for him. God, he’s never going to learn.”
    “Something like that,” Adriano replied with a shrug. 
    Lily took the bright green grasshopper drink Evelina offered and tipped it back to take a big sip. The alcohol flooded her mouth instantly right along with the intense flavor of the drink. Christ, it was good.
    “Not so fast,” Evelina said, laughing. “You’ll be so hammered I might not be able to get you home without Dino knowing.”
    “Screw Dino,” Lily replied before taking another drink.
    Lily’s attention went straight back to the brother and sister who were glaring at one another.
    “You shouldn’t be here,” Adriano said.
    “Tommas is here, right?” Evelina asked sweetly.
    “I said that already, Eve.”
    “Exactly. Someone is here. He’ll keep watch over us. What is the problem?”
    Adriano’s teeth gritted beneath his jaw. “You know what the damn problem is.”
    Evelina waved a hand flippantly at her brother before taking a drink of her Sourpuss and Seven-Up mix. “Not really, little brother.”
    “You’re fucking impossible,” Adriano muttered. “I’m trying to give you some warning here and you’re ignoring me.”
    “Are you going to be a little rat and run to Daddy?” Evelina asked.
    Adriano’s gaze narrowed as he glanced between Lily and Abriella. “No, but you’re not the one someone might flip over tonight, Eve.”
    “Turn cheek, Adriano. Isn’t that what everybody keeps telling me?”
    “You owe me.”
    “I’ll keep my mouth shut about you, but somebody else needs to know about her,” Adriano said, nodding at Lily.
    Who the hell would care if she was at the club?
    Adriano disappeared back into the crowd without another word.
    “That was easy,” Lily said.
    Evelina didn’t look all too pleased at her brother’s parting words. “Fucking spoil sport.”
    “How long do you think we have?” Abriella asked.
    “An hour, maybe.”
    Abriella pouted. “I’ll go find Tommas and see what he can do.”
    Evelina scowled. “Nothing, probably.”
    “Give him a chance.”
    “What am I missing?” Lily asked, sipping on her grasshopper again.
    She needed one of those for each hand. They were that damn good.
    “It’s nothing,” Evelina assured. “Let’s just have some fun and dance while we can.”
    That sounded perfect to Lily. The music practically pumped through the floors and vibrated the borrowed heels Lily stood in.
    She had come to find out Abriella Trentini’s rented apartment might as well be a second home with an entire wardrobe included. Lily chose not to ask questions when she noticed a man’s suits hanging alongside Abriella’s dresses earlier. Then again, she figured Tommas Rossi’s name had been mentioned more than enough for it to be kind of obvious.
    Someone wasn’t going to like it when their secret was found out.
    “Let’s dance!” Evelina shouted, giggling as she tugged on Lily’s hand.
    Lily grinned. It had been too long since she was able to just have fun, especially with Eve.
    “Let’s dance.”

    Strobe lights flashed from all angles in rapid succession, making the crowd nothing but a blinking black and white blur to Lily. She turned with her arms thrown high, swallowed by the club goers, drunken laughter, sweaty, swaying bodies, and music.
    She wasn’t the partying kind of girl. Sure, Lily had her fun every once in a while, but she never really let loose. It felt so good to dance and be just another face in the crowd—someone unrecognizable and unknown.
    Not a DeLuca.
    Not a girl affiliated with the mob.
    Not the daughter of a turncoat or the sister of made men.
    No, just Lily.
    It reminded her of traveling all over again and of being free.
    Lily realized she had lost her friend somewhere in the crowd. She didn’t really care. Evelina had probably gone back to the bar for another round of drinks. The buzz slipping

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