Forever Betrayed: Forever Bluegrass #3

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Book: Forever Betrayed: Forever Bluegrass #3 by Kathleen Brooks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen Brooks
small indentation of her waist as he pulled her back against him. Her ass pressed against his hips and Zain’s lips drifted to the exposed skin of Mila’s neck.
    Fire seared through his veins as his lips grazed the petal-soft skin. His tongue darted out to tickle her skin as he moved his lips over the graceful curve of her neck. One second was all it took to realize he’d made a mistake. The lust that shot through him was mixed with something he hadn’t felt before—interest.

    Mila’s head tilted to the side as Zain’s lips played along her neck. His fingers tightened on her as he pulled her against him. Wait! Zain had a girlfriend and here she was just letting him have his way with her. He tugged gently at her shirt and his fingers played with the sensitive skin he’d exposed. For a split second, Mila thought about not caring. But she didn’t want to be just another woman Zain conquered just because he could. Besides, while Abby might be scary, she had been nice to her.
    As Zain’s hand crept higher up her stomach toward her breasts, Mila broke from him. “Thank you for the tour. I think I have everything I came for. I just press this button, right?” Mila reached out and pressed the button next to the hidden panel and the door slid quietly open.
    Not waiting for Zain’s response, she darted out the door and was halfway across the library before Zain caught up with her.
    “Mila, did I do something wrong? Did I move too fast? I’m sorry. Look,” he pleaded.
    Mila turned and saw something she wasn’t expecting—Zain, unsure about himself.
    “I haven’t been in this situation before. I like you and would like the chance to get to know you better,” Zain said.
    Mila felt her heart pound. He liked her or he wanted to screw her? While they went hand in hand, the most important detail was which one was more important to him.
    “Zain, there you are.”
    Mila froze. She knew Abby’s voice already. It was soft but full of authority and confidence. Something Mila didn’t have a lot of right now. Mila turned around and blanched. Abby was dressed in a black V-neck T-shirt and black cargo pants. She had a gun strapped to her waist and a knife strapped to her thigh.
    “Hiya, Mila. Are you all right?” Abby asked, her voice full of concern.
    Mila nodded. “I just finished a tour of the grounds in preparation for tomorrow. Excuse me, I’ll see if Anton can drive me back to town.”
    “Stop,” Zain ordered. “I’ll drive you back.”
    Abby smiled at them both and Mila felt sick. “Don’t worry about it, Zain. I know how much work you have today. I can take her.”
    Mila’s eyes drifted down to where Abby’s hand rested on the butt of her pistol, and she swallowed hard. Mila dared to cast a glance at Zain and saw a muscle tick in his jaw.
    “It’s okay, Abby, I have time. Come on, Mila. I can show you some of the sights as we drive back.”
    Mila darted her eyes back to Abby who looked full of thought for a second before masking it. “Mila,” Abby said suspiciously, “some of us girls are having dinner tonight at the café. Would you care to join us?”
    “Tonight? I have a lot to prepare for tomorrow. I don’t think I can make it.”
    Abby’s smile was lethal. “I insist. Meet us at seven. That will give you enough time to prepare. See you then.” And before Mila could protest, Abby strode from the room.
    Zain watched Mila practically run up the walk to the bed and breakfast. He’d tried to charm her as he gave her a tour of Keeneston, but she had quietly sat in the seat next to him taking notes. In fact, she had pressed herself against the door as if he would vault across the console and have his way with her. It was enough to drive a man crazy. At least he forced her to write down his cell phone number and dragged out a promise to call him if she wanted to see more of the area.
    Zain drove to the café as he went over what he’d done that had made her so skittish. It had

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