Forever Betrayed: Forever Bluegrass #3

Free Forever Betrayed: Forever Bluegrass #3 by Kathleen Brooks

Book: Forever Betrayed: Forever Bluegrass #3 by Kathleen Brooks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen Brooks
for the summit.”
    Zain’s jaw clenched. Dylan. She wanted him to call Dylan. That wasn’t what he was expecting when he came down to meet his mother and saw her smiling at Mila, the woman who had found a way into his dreams the night before.
    His mother stood as she beamed at him. “There, a perfect solution. Let’s call Dylan. I’m just sorry I can’t do it myself, but I really have to have a talk with your father. Mila, it was so nice seeing you again.”
    And then his mom was gone. She walked off without a backward glance. Anton pulled out his phone. “I’ll call him,” Anton said as he turned his phone on.
    Flashes of the dreams he’d had about Mila ran through his head. It sure as hell wasn’t Dylan who was running his hands over her skin. “No,” Zain ground out. There was no way it would be Dylan now either. “I have a few extra minutes.”
    Anton smiled victoriously, and Zain narrowed his eyes at him as he slid his hand to the small of Mila’s back and guided her forward. “Don’t forget the secret rooms,” Anton called out. Zain stiffened. No one but family and some trusted staff knew about those rooms.
    Mila fiddled with her hands next to him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you to be forced into showing me around.”
    “It’s all right. There are forces at work much stronger than you or I.” Zain dropped his hand from her back and opened a door. He didn’t know why he had his hand there in the first place, but it had felt natural. “This is the large conference room for when we are all meeting together.” He pointed out the circular table and showed her where each party was sitting. “When in this room, you will be translating from the back there through equipment we are providing. This was last minute. We had thought not to use it, but then I saw how smoothly it worked at my uncle’s.”
    Zain watched as Mila walked around to the seat with the German place card. Then she picked up the chancellor’s earpiece and examined the equipment while nodding. “I’ve used this equipment before,” she said as she headed back to where the interpreters would sit. She found her seat and tested out the equipment. “This is a great setup for such a small conference.”
    “Thank you. There are many important things I want to accomplish, and I don’t want a bad setup hindering our talks. We’ll only be in here a couple of times, but I want everything to run smoothly,” Zain said as he watched her take notes of where everyone was sitting. He wondered if she realized she was nibbling on her bottom lip as she sketched the room. He had thought about those cupid-bowed lips last night as well, although her lips were otherwise engaged in his dreams. Zain shook his head and came back to the present.
    Mila had finished her drawing and was walking to the door. “Where to now?”
    “The smaller meeting rooms.” Zain held the door open for her and placed his hand on the small of her back once again. Mila glanced up at him questioningly but didn’t pull away. When Zain gave her a quick smile, her confusion only grew. Was he doing something wrong? Wasn’t this how flirting went?
    Being who he was, Zain didn’t play by the same dating rules as others. Normally he didn’t have to do a thing and women flocked to him. But Mila was giving him a complex. It didn’t matter that the timing was wrong. Or that he had a million things on his plate to accomplish by the end of the day. He wanted to be here. With her. And he wanted to know if she wanted that, too. But so far, it didn’t seem like it.
    “If you can tell me, what areas are you most looking to focus on? I would like to organize my notes and review terminology tonight,” Mila explained as she kept making notes about locations of the rooms Zain pointed out along the way.
    “Nanotechnology. It was going to be a footnote, but I’m moving it up to the top spot. I’m hoping to receive participation from every country attending. Hopefully they will

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