Exposed by Fate
Tell me what to do . She put her arms back over her head, commanding herself to breathe as he reached up and slid her hands into the leather restraints, buckling them tight with a metal clink . When she attempted to look up even though her eyes were covered, he held her chin steady.
    “Relax, Eliza. Trust me.”
    Relax? She felt a rush tearing through her system at a thousand miles an hour. In her mind’s eye, she could imagine how her position caused her breasts to jut out, a private display just for him. Her core suddenly felt so empty and desperate, she had to squeeze her thighs together hard . Right in front of her, she could hear Oliver’s breathing pick up speed, warm puffs against her lips. Turned on by the image of her bound? Trapped? When he didn’t touch her, she realized he was waiting for her signal to continue. “Yes…I’m okay,” she finally managed.
    “Good girl. Just feel.” The concern had fled from his tone, leaving his voice haunting, dark. So low it almost got swallowed up by the drumming shower spray. With a single finger, he traced a path from her collarbone down, around her stiff nipples and lower…until he reached the apex of her thighs. Eliza held her breath as he spoke. “I’ve wanted to lick between these thighs since the day we were introduced. That probably makes me sick.” He slid his middle finger through her damp folds, then pushed it deep, ripping a cry from her throat. “Ask me if I care.”
    Oh God, oh God . I’m dying.
    “Your first day of college. So nervous and unsure.” He worked his finger out, then slowly, torturously drove it deeper. “What did you need, babe? Did you need me to stay behind and take off your jean skirt like I wanted to? Would you have let me fuck you on your dorm room bed?”
    If her restrained hands weren’t holding her up, Eliza knew with total certainty, she would have been in a pile of boneless limbs on the tile floor. How had she known him for so long and never suspected he’d felt the same attraction? Just an attraction. Just an attraction.
    “Answer me. Would you have spread your legs and let me break you off?”
    “Yes,” she sobbed, grateful she couldn’t see anything. Admitting the secret didn’t seem to count when her world was entirely dark. “I would have.”
    The most exquisite pleasure caught her off guard when he sucked her right nipple into his mouth, growling around it like the taste was driving him insane. As insane as she felt. Myriad sensations shot to her core, making her writhe helplessly against the wall, wrists clanking above her head. She wanted him to stop, to keep going, she didn’t know. Relief mixed with denial when he pulled back, his mouth making a pop noise as he released her nipple. “I like when you’re honest with me, Eliza. Maybe a little too much.” She heard something land heavily on the shower floor, then his hands were on the insides of her thighs, pushing them apart. Kneeling. He was kneeling. Oh, please. “Are you as tight as you look? We’ll find out as soon as I kiss all this pink.”
    With very little effort, Oliver settled her thighs on his shoulders and licked straight through her center, groaning the entire way. A scream broke past her lips when he found her tiny bud, licking it sweetly one second, sucking it through his teeth the next. His hands were punishing on her thighs, squeezing hard enough to leave bruises as he drove her to the brink of insanity with his mouth. Heat coiled inside her, tighter and tighter, promise of incredible relief so close, they were on a first name basis. Holy, holy shit. She pulled the bonds at her wrists taut to give herself leverage, and then she bucked against his mouth, all the while picturing his dark head moving between her legs. He gave her clit one final, long draw, and she screamed at the top of her lungs, shooting her past a glittering line she’d never managed to cross. Her eyes were covered, but she could see bright explosions going off in front

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