Game Saver

Free Game Saver by BJ Harvey

Book: Game Saver by BJ Harvey Read Free Book Online
Authors: BJ Harvey
following closely behind him.
    I reach down and lace Abi’s fingers in mine, giving her a meaningful squeeze.
    “That was intense,” Abi says, walking beside me.
    “Welcome to any interaction with a Carsen,” I reply.
    “Hey,” she says, stopping both of us in our tracks and turning to face me. She moves in close, wrapping one arm around my back and lifting her hand to my jaw. She sweeps her thumb across my cheek, and my taut muscles instantly relax. How the hell does she do that?
    I lift my hands up to her hips and look into her now soft eyes.
    “You’re strung so tight it’s a wonder you don’t snap,” she says.
    I lean into her touch and drop my forehead to hers, not caring that we probably have an audience. “Chalk and cheese have got nothing on me and this life.”
    “I can tell,” she says quietly, wrapping her other arm around my back. “I’m here for you, Cade. Just focus on what happens after the night is over. That’s what I’m doing.”
    My lips curl up. “Are you telling me you’re a sure thing?” I ask with a grin.
    “No, I’m saying I know I’m gonna get laid because you are. Besides, you owe me at least one orgasm so far.”
    “I do, do I?” I ask dryly.
    “At least.” Her lips curl up into a sexy smile.
    “I always pay my debts,” I murmur, my eyes locked on her lips as my head moves lower.
    “I might charge interest,” she adds, her voice sounding the same as it does when I’m building her up to climax—rough, raspy, and hot as hell.
    “Now that I can pay.” I drop my mouth to her ear, dragging my hands around her waist, holding her hips against my now very hard cock. “Don’t turn me on when it’s hours until I can get inside you again.”
    “Fair’s fair. I’ve been wet since I opened the door and saw you in your tux,” she whispers before nipping my jaw, her hands roaming up my arms and sweeping down the lapels of my jacket. “And I’m looking forward to feeling that stubble against my thighs, too.”
    “Fuck,” I groan. I’ll let her have that one. It’s a sweet loss though, one that I know will turn out to be a win for both of us once we’re back behind closed doors.
    “Are you two gonna come up for air long enough to have a drink or should we just leave you to your show?” Noah quips, and both Abi and I turn our heads towards him, neither of us moving away or letting go.
    “I’ll move when his pants aren’t going to cause more of a scandal than the fact he turned up with a date,” Abi jokes.
    Noah and Thomas’s eyes go wide before they snigger and Noah looks at me, nodding in silent approval. “Finally, a woman that keeps you on your toes, Carsen. About time you were kept in line.”
    Before I can offer a smartass retort, Zoe butts in, one hand on her hip and eyes narrowed on her husband. “Are you saying I do that?” she asks tersely.
    Noah—being the smooth operator he is—immediately switches to ass-saving mode. “Sweetheart, you tie me in knots and turn me upside-down all while keeping me in line, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
    I watch Zoe go from haughty to soft in the blink of an eye, her eyes now gentle and gazing at her husband. “Sweet talker,” she murmurs. His hand moves around her back and into her hair as he slants her head and kisses her long and deep, right there in front of everyone.
    I swear to God there is a collective swoon from every woman within a ten-mile radius—single or otherwise. He’s just that damn good.
    “Damn he’s good,” Abi murmurs.
    “Never thought I’d see Noah settled down and happy, but meeting Zoe was the best thing that ever happened to him, even if it did involve him getting drunk, making out with her, and forgetting he’d done it.,” I say.
    It isn’t until after the dinner and speeches—including my father’s unsurprising mayoral announcement—that my mother decides to pounce, this time using my sister, Callie, as a shield.
    “Callie, have you met Cade’s date, Abi . .

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