The Silent Goddess: The Otherworld Series Book 1

Free The Silent Goddess: The Otherworld Series Book 1 by N.K. Vir

Book: The Silent Goddess: The Otherworld Series Book 1 by N.K. Vir Read Free Book Online
Authors: N.K. Vir
walking along the muddy shore, head down looking at the ocean garbage the incoming tide was depositing on the shore.  Annie could imagine the strange little treasures littered around the owner’s feet; pieces of clam shells and crabs, bits of sea glass and of course garbage.  If they were lucky they’d find bits of ancient broken pottery that Annie liked to call pirate tea.
    A high pitched screeched sounded over head as seagulls circled around the Friendship, a replica sailing vessel that would soon open to visitors interested in Salem’s maritime history.  A small group of children sat on the tiny dock next to the Friendship.  Their little legs dangled over the edge of the dock kicking and swinging.  Annie could see their bare little feet were covered in drying sand and ocean muck.  Their clothes seemed oddly dark for children but they could just be wet from an early morning romp in the harbor.  They raised their dirty little hands and waved at her.  Annie waved back and realized she could tell they were covered in muck but couldn’t get a really good look at their little faces.  Every time she tried to concentrate on their features her vision would get blurry.  It wasn’t until tears started to well in her eyes that she realized she had been staring without blinking for a while.  She blinked a few times and tears streamed a path down her face threatening to ruin her make up.   She dug into her pocket for a tissue to prevent further damage all the while thinking of the strange three children sitting on the dock Why was it she felt she should recognize them?
    “ Ratboys, ” something or someone whispered.  Annie spun around looking for the source of the whisper.  Besides the dog and his owner no one was around.
    Annie looked down and found a shaggy, charcoal gray cat seated at her feet, its green eyes blinking lazily up at her.
    “Did you say something?” she asked the cat who merely replied with a long meow.  Annie shook her head.  She must be more sleep deprived than she thought.  Not only was she talking to the most disheveled cat she had ever seen but she had accused it of speaking.
    Deciding she had dawdled enough and in desperate need of more coffee Annie left the cat, the wharf and the Ratboy/children behind and headed for the small coffee shop on the corner.  She had just made it a few yards past the Friendship to where two swans were gracefully swimming when she had the distinct feeling she was being followed.  She stopped and cautiously turned her head.  The glint of the sunlight caught something shiny and drew her attention.  It appeared to be coming from the swans.  Annie squinted trying to get a better look.  What she saw, or rather what she thought she saw was a thin silver chain hanging around both of their necks.  She shook her head trying to clear her vision and looked again.  There was definitely something around both of their necks but now she wasn’t sure what it was.  Again there was something familiar about the swans and silver necklaces she just couldn’t seem to place the memory.  Another loud meow sounded behind her.  Annie frowned as she looked down to find the large gray cat back at her feet looking even more rumpled than before.
    “Go on, go home,” she said making shooing motions with her hands.  “My morning has been weird enough.  I don’t need a feline stalker.”
    The cat meowed loudly in a way that Annie interpreted as outrage.  She huffed at the thought of offending a cat and wondered if she should substitute alcohol for caffeine to make it through the rest of the day.
    “Look,” she said pointing at the cat.  “I have not slept well.  Between weird dreams and strange sexy neighbors I tossed and turned all night.  As a matter of fact for all I know I’m still dreaming,” she practically shouted.
    “Who are you screaming at now?” The familiar voice of Kat asked.
    Annie jumped; startled she whirled around and looked down at

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