alerted the nation to the highest alert guidelines domestically, and is complying with all requests from the national and international intelligence and security agencies as Jack described, along with the acute alert threat requirements set forth by the current administration, and will continue to do so until the matter is resolved. We are conducting over seven hundred fifty investigations regarding this specific matter and will continue those investigations until they bear intelligence regarding this matter and detainment or arrests and/or indictments on those targeted."
    Leo begins to swivel in his chair.
    Kevin adds, "We will act on any and or all threats to the United States domestically and abroad by providing immediately all intelligence relevant to this matter and/or related matters upon discovery of this operation, and the U.S. Attorney General and the White House simultaneously."
    Leo laughs quietly, not surprised by the FBI's official position and spins in his chair as Kevin Anderson speaks.
    Homeland Security Director Karen Satriano is insulted and angry. She barks at the assistant director of the FBI, "Kevin is that it?"
    Anderson snaps back, "For the record, ma'am, and yes."
    She glares at him. "Thank you, Mr. Anderson. That will conclude this meeting and we will reconvene every twelve hours via live secure video link to share the information we all as agencies can provide to each other to ensure our success. Gentlemen, we meet again at eleven tonight."
    Karen Satriano looks up to the camera in the corner of the room, "Monitoring off, please, this meeting has concluded."
    A small black box mounted to the bottom of the table has a green light, which goes off per her request. "Now, what is the real story Kevin?"
    Anderson responds, "Off the record. We are turning every stone, snitch, confidential informant and wire tap; we're using every resource we have. The entire Department of Justice and all of its domestic and international resources, powers, and contacts are in play. We are in mosques, churches, high schools, colleges, truck stops and every other conceivable spot for a lead. The U.S Attorney General has engaged ICE, DEA, ATF, and the U.S. Marshall's service to work with us in a joint DOJ effort.
    In addition, the FBI, on behalf of the orders set forth by the United States Attorney General, has alerted over three thousand six hundred sheriffs' departments and fourteen thousand police departments nationwide. All of which have been enacted under the under the Patriot Act statutes. Those agencies have been instructed to shake down, beat down, and kick down every door, lead, and/or suspects we have targeted, or may be suspected by their intelligence and ours."
    Anderson looks around the table. "This is an unprecedented national domestic police action. The present policy is that if any doubt or question arises regarding any subject, the agencies are all instructed to hold and detain any and/or all persons or suspects in segregation and deny all rights until we arrive for interrogation and/or debriefing. Essentially, Karen, we are investigating, watching, listening, and looking up the backside of this entire nation to protect it and its citizens, while still trying to uphold what is left of the constitution of the United States of America. Now are there any more questions?"
    Early that Sunday evening David has just finished packing for the business trip to Seoul in the morning. He carries his luggage down the hall and into the living area and sets the luggage by the main entry. He sits down at the computer in the den to check and send last minute e-mails. Dana hears the computer audio prompt and comes out of the kitchen wiping her hands on a towel. She approaches David with a hug from behind and kisses him on the neck.
    David smiles. "God, I am going to miss that for seven days."
    She whispers in his ear, "I'm sure that you will have plenty of geishas to seek your attention while you're there, but you better not."

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