worldwide in excess of the high hundreds of thousands since this date regarding the original communiqué. We expect that number to go into the million marks as it spreads like a grass roots campaign."
    Jack looks at each member of the room to make sure they are attentive to his next comment, "This event was like an eruption or flood of communiqués, as if it were a newscast or alert that had been long awaited. The alarming factor was that the majority of the conversations and/or messages were all less than two minutes in duration or less. The common denominator was that the phrases were only communicated. And then the responses came. Just of gratuitous phrases and religious praise followed nothing else. In addition, there were no other comments or information whatsoever in any case that we have documented since, just silence. The conclusion by our analysts is that all of these parties worldwide were aware and waiting for this communiqué."
    He said, "We arrive at this conclusion because there was no known elaboration at all of the intercepted calls and internet traffic whatsoever. This we believe is demonstrative of a discipline and obedience regarding one piece of subject matter, which is unprecedented in NSA history. We have reviewed them all several times; there is nothing at all to give us a hint or any insight of any kind, to help give us some insight as to what it means."
    He went on, "We have initiated ground surveillance and satellite reconnaissance on over forty-three hundred geographic locations and over six thousand individuals, which we feel are hot targets domestically and abroad." Jack nods at Leo and Kevin. "We have made a request of Langley and the Bureau for assistance in addition to our own teams now being assembled for immediate response to any request made by the administration."
    Jack Hayward looks around the room wondering if his interrogations counterparts are feeling the magnitude of his commentary. "The odd thing that makes this so very significant is that there has been no known chatter whatsoever since that date, and approximately seven hours into the next day, it vaporized, and chatter ceased all together, which is also unprecedented. We are presently coordinating with the DIA gathering data results from the targeted locations and principles for possible detainment and interrogation of those apprehended for questioning, or any other options that the president may deem necessary. I think we all know that this is sensitive territory and those operations are in progress as we speak."
    Jack glances at Leo and Kevin Anderson and then down at the table. They pick up on what he is implying, as does Karen Satriano."
    Jack continues to wrap up his contribution. "I have submitted these findings to the White House and prepared a complete report for each agency here today; just tell me how you want it and what you need." He throws in his CYA disclaimer. "I need this to be clear and part of the record. It was the NSA view and position, that this is an event where threat is inevitable and it has surpassed all threat evaluation intelligence gathered in the past, including the pre 9/11 event; we considered this our top priority."
    Karen Satriano is impressed with the NSA director's forthrightness and candor.
    "Well, now that's what I'm talking about, some meat and potatoes for the pot luck, not bean casserole."
    "Thank you, Jack, for being so candid, and I am sure we are all looking forward to the outcome of those operations. What did you say this joint operation is entitled?"
    Jack glances at Leo. "I didn't say Karen. It is called, Operation Silent Snatch."
    She knew that if she had not been appointed by presidential directive to host this collaboration, that he would not have shared that information with her. "Kevin, what does the Bureau have to share?"
    Kevin Anderson wonders exactly what Leo and Jack have cooked up in their Operation Silent Snatch. He begins his standard approved dissertation.
    "The FBI has

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