The Wicked Confessions of Lady Cecelia Stanton

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Book: The Wicked Confessions of Lady Cecelia Stanton by Viveka Portman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Viveka Portman
Tags: Romance, Historical, Historical Romance
held my attention. He loomed tall behind the wet nurse. His face a mask of passion as his hand stroked his hardened staff beneath the cloth of his breeches. He gazed down at the wet nurse.
    ‘I’m beginning to think you’re breaking things on purpose, Nancy.’
    ‘No, milord! Honest I’m not,’ Nancy’s voice was breathless with excitement, and I found my own hand working again feverishly between my legs. The babe kicked restlessly in my belly as it tightened with pleasure.
    I watched as my husband’s hand stroked Nancy’s buttocks. My gaze devoured William – he looked so strong, so powerful. He was plainly readying himself to master our wet nurse, and there I was, hidden and dry-mouthed with expectation as he did.
    Nancy groaned with the same longing that burned in my sex.
    ‘Rarely do I ever see a cunt as wet as yours.’ William paused, his eyes wicked. I watched breathless, as he brought the finger to his lips. ‘And you do taste so sweet.’
    Jealousy stabbed me then, and though my hand still worked at the slick, hungry mouth between my legs, I felt a slight pang of sadness.
    ‘But not quite as sweet as my Ceecee,’ he murmured so softly, I could barely make out the words.
    Passion ignited again as my crazed mind registered his words and I slipped two fingers into my sex. My body shuddered around them.
    ‘You like this cock, don’t you girl?’ William’s voice came again.
    I love that cock. I realised then and thrust my fingers into myself once more.
    ‘Yes,’ Nancy simpered.
    I was close to finding my release. I thrust my fingers again, and alternately stroked my nub.
    Through the gap in the curtains I saw William’s rigid staff swell behind Nancy.
    He chuckled then, and gripped his staff knocking and rubbing it crudely across Nancy’s rear.
    Nancy giggled again, and I found myself willing William to mount her. I wanted to see my strong, lusty husband in full rut.
    The urge to laugh rushed through me, imagining the terrible things people would think of me if ever they knew what I thought and desired.
    For a moment I nearly lost my awkward seating as William struck Nancy’s rump again and ground his staff into her.
    ‘Oh, Nancy,’ he grunted.
    ‘Oh please, not there, milord,’ she cried softly.
    My excitement increased, wicked though it undoubtedly was. Would my husband sodomise her? He had done so with me on several occasions and though I denied it when he had asked if I had enjoyed it, I can admit here that I liked it very well indeed.
    Nancy was not so taken with the forbidden act, however. She shook her head.
    ‘Do you want my cock in your cunt then, Nancy?’ My husband grunted and slapped her flesh once more.
    ‘Oh yes!’
    Then my husband thrust forward cruelly, impaling the wet nurse. She cried out, so loudly, I was near startled.
    Then I watched, as my hand worked tirelessly at my sex, William thrust and rut with Nancy.
    I think I began to lose my mind. As the sound of William’s flesh beat against the wet nurse, my womanhood began to clench around my penetrating fingers.
    Heat coiled in my swollen abdomen. I thrust harder, matching the rhythm of my husband as he beat against Nancy.
    I tore my eye from the crack in the curtains as my passion mounted. I could hear the sounds of my husband relishing the wet nurse as my body clenched around my fingers and pleasure erupted over me with such force I nearly cried out.
    It seemed at that same moment, I heard my husband shout as he found his release.
    When I reflect on those minutes, I believe I must have very nearly have fainted. My body was paralysed with pleasure and my swollen belly contracted with such force, I feared that I would lose my waters and bring forth the babe. Mayhap this is exactly what the odious physician had warned me about.
    It took me a while to rouse myself, and when I had done so, I discovered that my husband had righted himself and sent the duly chastised Nancy away.
    Perhaps I’d gone mad from watching my husband

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