Chasing You (Thirsty Hearts Book 4)

Free Chasing You (Thirsty Hearts Book 4) by Kris Jayne

Book: Chasing You (Thirsty Hearts Book 4) by Kris Jayne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kris Jayne
front of him, mounting the steps to the front door. Her hips shimmied a little as she took each step, which made Graham smile. Life in the gym did her good.
    She moved like an athlete, but had the grace of a dancer. Her body exuded power and elegance much like the sleek blue BMW she used to race around Austin. She’d probably accuse him of being sexist, comparing her to her sports car. But, hey, from a guy, that was a massive compliment.
    The door to the house peeled open just a crack. A small, wide-eyed face peered at them through the gap. The girl blinked, then threw open the door.
    “Hey! Mom, Alexa’s here. And she brought a man. Are you her boyfriend?”
    Boyfriend? That would drive Alexa crazy, which pleased Graham immensely. Before Alexa could answer the small child, Graham piped in.
    “Nice to meet you. You must be Poppy. I’m Graham. Your parents have told me all sorts of wonderful things about you.”
    “They did? That’s nice.”
    “Well, what else would they have to say, gorgeous?”
    Alexa stepped into the foyer of the Larson’s house and bent down to hug the Larson’s daughter.
    Toby and Sarah hustled toward the door.
    “Hey, guys. So, Graham, you found the place okay, then?” Toby extended a hand to shake Graham’s as he entered the foyer.
    “I did. No problem.”
    “Poppy, Graham is going to help us plan your charity event.”
    “Oh, are you friends with Miss Alexa?”
    “We know each other from work. That’s also how I met your parents. They told me all about the benefit, and I decided that I definitely had to help.”
    Sarah beamed. “It’s incredibly generous of you to donate your time.”
    “It’s not a problem, and I plan on donating a bit more than that. Whatever is necessary.”
    “Daddy said I could have a disco ball.”
    Toby shook his head. “I said that I’d look into it, but that I couldn’t promise. I don’t even know where you would get such a thing.”
    Poppy’s mouth twisted the side, and she sighed. “It would be so much fun. Sparkly and twirling around.”
    She threw her hands over her head and executed a spot-on disco spin. When she caught Graham looking at her, her plump cheeks reddened. She threw her arms around her father’s waist and grinned into his slacks.
    Graham had been to numerous parties with ‘70s themes. Somewhere in Austin, they could find what the little girl wanted. Who could tell her no? “I think I know where we can find a disco ball.”
    “You do?” Poppy pushed away from her father’s hip, eyes bright.
    Graham bent down to her eye level. “It shall be done, my lady.”
    Her face turned scarlet again. This time, from an eruption of giggles.
    “Thank you.”
    Toby mussed Poppy’s hair. “I’m going to take this one upstairs to get ready for bed, so we’ll be out of your hair. I’ll be back down once I get her tucked in.”
    “Good night, Poppy.” Alexa blew her a kiss, which she returned.
    The father-daughter pair thumped up the stairs. Once out of sight, Poppy’s excited voice picked up steam. Graham couldn’t make out the words, only the joy of anticipation. Even though they had just met, his commitment to making the benefit a success doubled. “She’s wonderful.”
    “Thank you. We like her,” Sarah replied with a grin. “Shall we?”
    The rest of the adults walked to the back of the house and into the Larson’s sunroom.
    Alexa swung her purse to the floor next to the wicker loveseat and sat. Instead of sitting in the chair angled next to her, Graham squeezed into the space next to Alexa. He adjusted in the seat with his knees widened in a man-spread that demanded contact with Alexa’s legs. She shifted away, and Graham only stretched his legs wider.
    Sarah busied herself arranging a stack of papers on the coffee table, so she didn’t react to Alexa’s glare and pursed lips.
    Alexa knocked Graham’s leg with her knee, and he stretched his arm along the back of the loveseat behind her head. She scooted forward and

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