The Unwritten Rule
make his mother to be nicer. … Maybe I should have anything that might have said Brianna’s mother would have cared, even being heard … but could have done more. Could have done to come to Brianna to spend the night with me. He could have called when I got home and double-check to make sure I was okay. Could stop loving her boyfriend. I could stop thinking about Ryan telling me that it was me who had called that first time he and Brianna talked by telephone. At home after church, I need a break from myself and my thoughts. I wore my favorite jeans and one of the old lawyer dad shirts, dark blue cotton is soft against my skin hangs loose enough for what comes next, which is the Sunday breakfast, and Mom preferred cooking.
    Mom loves to cook, but Sunday morning it pulls all high, because Dad’s favorite meal is a great breakfast and once a week-mom likes to please. ? Frankly, sometimes I wonder how he survives without a mother. I know he did, she was not even born until he was older than I am now, and did not meet until he was in his forties and she was finishing her doctorate, but still. It is as if

    had always been together and she, she really loves him and wants me to be good. As well as can be. Today was stuffed French toast, bread rolls filled egg and butter with a mixture of cream cheese and blueberry ice cream that had thawed in the night, and a frittata, which is basically a huge baked bread filled with eggs, cheese and vegetables . There’s also bacon, and orange juice squeezed herself. -Kathy, have you sent this recipe for French toast somewhere? Father says if focuses on breakfast, and Mom shakes her head, pulling her notebook of recipes from the contest. (Of course you have one, in fact, more than one. They are all over the house. And in your car). “The breakfast tickets are usually some type of bread or pastries,” he says while typing. I think the next big thing will be pancakes have been turned into some kind of dish in layers. Lasagna pancakes! Oh, with syrup as sauce, and maybe chocolate hazelnut spread like cheese … he went silent, slowly and began to write more quickly, outside the kitchen area of creation. Dad smiles and pats his hand is not a writer. “Do not forget to eat,” he said, and Mom nods, and picking a piece of bacon and bringing it closer to your mouth as you type. Dad starts laughing immediately. I resist a little longer, but then I’m laughing too. “Oh, hush,” says Mom, smiling and finally taking the bacon to his mouth. After swallowing, he says. Henry “How’s your hip? “It feels better than yesterday. Mom looks at him - you going to call the doctor tomorrow? “For you, anything. “I said smiling father and mother smiles back, then look at me. It amazes me that Brianna is not here. You two, well three of you now, I guess since it seems to be pretty serious about Ryan, have been closely together lately. - Ryan was a friend to you? Father says. “Dad, I do not … Can we not discuss my social life? -Or lack thereof.
    “I’m not arguing. I’m asking. Ryan seems like a good guy, so I thought maybe someone knew you could …

    - Dad! “I said again, and he looks at my mother, who nods to him. “You’ll meet someone,” she says. Somewhere out there is the perfect guy for you, Sarah Bear. It is. His name is Ryan, and I can not go out with him because he’s dating my best friend. But I’ve kissed. “I’m full,” I say, starting to walk away from the table. I’m working on my homework. - Will not you come? “Mom, are not yet eleven, nobody I know is up. “Oh, of course they are,” he says, as if everyone got up at dawn on the weekends. Because normally Brianna was already here. “Yes,” whispered and leave the kitchen, I go upstairs to my room. Mom was right. Brianna usually is here. Normally I call when I get home from church, even before

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