The Unwritten Rule

    TRANSLATED BY: nice! ? Edited by: Sera
    Brianna’s mother in the kitchen is still yelling at Brianna, who is staring at a bowl of popcorn was dropped. Ryan and I had just come into the house, the time between us stopped, both flash and turned to the door at the same time. Both tense with the sound of the voice of the mother of Brianna. - Why park in the garage? “Brianna’s mother tells him. You know you should not. “You said you were working late and I …” Oh, so when I’m trying to keep, can not you bother to climb the front steps? “Sorry, Mom,” Brianna said, stooping to pick up the popcorn scattered and broken cup that once held. - What are you eating now? Brianna, darling, you should not eat after four. Go directly to your hips. Trust me, I know. “Mama,” Brianna said, without anger, only sadly. I have … Ryan is here. And Sarah. Can we talk about this later? “Oh,” said Brianna’s mother. Of course, I’m annoying. Well, do not worry about me. No need to eat or sit and rest or anything. Brianna I have to reach before it gets worse, I have to stop this, so I stepped into the kitchen and say, “Hey, Brianna, was talking with Ryan and … oh, you made popcorn. Thanks!
    Miro Brianna’s mom and I force myself to smile when I really just wanted to kick for being so abominable. “I feel so hungry at times, and Brianna said he would not mess up anything in the kitchen because you might want something when I got home, but I begged until he did.

    “Well, now there is no food,” said his mother. Brianna made a mess. “It’s not so bad,” said Ryan, also entering the kitchen, and looking at the floor. You should see some of the things I’ve been dropped in the kitchen. “Oh, hello,” said Brianna’s mother, smiling at Ryan, fluttering eyelashes, and saw the face of Brianna. I just wanted to say it’s a mess to clean spilled food. I’m sure would have liked to have guys that looked like you when I was in school. Not so long ago, you know. Brianna put their eyes at that, and Ryan smiled tightly to her mother. I kneel and start to pick up some popcorn and pieces of the bowl. Brianna crouches beside me, his hands shaking as you do it. “I’m exhausted,” says his mother. I’m going to bed, Brianna do not be noisy. “No, I will be,” said Brianna, and we three clean quietly. “You should go,” said Brianna when we finished, and Ryan says: - You’re sure you’ll be alright? Brianna nods and kisses him. My stomach twisted and I hate myself for that. Ryan check out me and I look away, pretending I’m still looking at the ground lost bits of popcorn or bowl. When he’s gone, Brianna comes and stays with me. Crying, biting his lip to make no noise, hard hug, wishing I could do that Brianna’s mom to see what it does to her daughter. Knowing that if I did, I do not do differently. Brianna does not want to spend the night at my house, and I leave a few minutes later, telling her to call me if you need anything. I hug my parents when I get home. “I love you” I said. “Well, of course you do, we are very adorable,” says Dad, winks, smiles and Mom says: - Henry! “And then. Sarah, darling, is everything okay?
    I nodded. He was not, but looking at them reminds me that in relation to parents, I have luck.

    TRANSLATED BY: Rozebell and Silvery CORRECTED BY: Sera
    Sunday morning you are always a great event in my house. First, my mother wakes up, then go to church. A mom likes to go early to the service because … well, just likes the morning, period. I’m usually too sleepy to do anything, except not fall asleep, but now I can not stop thinking about last night. About how it looked Brianna when her mother was talking, tired, sad and defeated, in a way that Brianna looks only at home. I should have said something more, something that would

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