The Firefighter and the Virgin Princess

Free The Firefighter and the Virgin Princess by Jemma Harte

Book: The Firefighter and the Virgin Princess by Jemma Harte Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jemma Harte
Tags: Contemporary, mf, anal sex, men in uniform
she gasped out, spitting
water. "I want to try it."
    That made him swell another inch. He loved
her sexy, adventurous spirit. "Oh yeah? Well, we need lube for
that, Princess."
    "I know." She opened her eyes and looked at
him with water drops in her lashes. "I brought some. It's in my
coat pocket."
    Apparently he wasn't the only one prepared
these days.
    "I bought the type highly recommended by
some of the boys I know," she added.
    So, with her pussy still impaled her on his
erection, he carried her out of the bathroom. Every footstep he
took across the carpet must have vibrated inside her, because she
giggled and groaned and clawed at his back. He lifted her off his
cock and she knelt on the bed, bent over, her ass high.
    With a trembling hand, Joe ripped off the
condom and replaced it with another. He took the tube of
lubrication he found in her coat and squeezed some onto his
    "Hope you're sure about this," he muttered,
climbing onto the bed beside her. "It's gonna hurt."
    She wriggled her ass. "Just do it,
    Bossy little madam!
    Joe slid his finger into her ass crack and
pressed it against the puckered anus. She gasped and moved her
knees further apart on the bed, arching her back.
    "You sure about this?" he murmured, probing
again with his lubed finger. Her skin twinkled with drops of water,
as if she'd rolled in diamonds. He bent to lick the curve of her
    "Yes. Yes."
    His finger pushed through that tight rim,
and he felt her muscles clamp hard on it. "Easy. Relax." With his
other hand he stroked her butt, but she was still tense, so he
spanked her.
    She yelped and then finally her ass relaxed.
"That's it, baby. Yeah. There ya go." Bending down, Joe tongued her
pink twat, sucking up shower water and sticky juice. Her pussy
quivered and ripened. Slowly he forced a second finger into her
ass, while she lowered her shoulders to the bed and groaned
    "I'm on fire, Joe."
    He chuckled, his lips pressed to her cunt.
"Don't worry, Joe's here to put the flames out." He certainly had
the loaded hose to do it. His cock was about to burst. He only
wished he had two cocks so he could fuck her ass and pussy at the
same time and fill her up with plenty of Joe.
    * * * *
    His tongue inside her cunt was teasing and
slippery, toying with her clit. He must have heard her breathing
haphazardly and felt her arousal mounting, for he knew exactly when
to pause this tongue and when to quicken it again.
    He kept her on the edge of a climax so rough
and raw she wanted to scream.
    "Put your cock in my ass," she gasped out,
her hands gripping the bed cover, her body flexing, pushing her
bottom high in the air, head down.
    Joe pulled his fingers out of her anus and
positioned himself behind her. "I'm coming, Lily. Hold tight."
    His knob pushed between her cheeks. He must
have put lube on the condom for it felt cool and slick. Carefully
she adjusted her breathing to relax her muscles. It was lucky she
did, because he didn't wait too long, but forced his way in through
her rectum, his hands reaching under to hold her breasts. His warm
breath caressed the back of her neck and then he nipped her
    Fondling her breasts his hands were just
rough enough, teasing and tweaking her nipples, squeezing her
    She shuddered and turned her head to see
their reflection in the long wall mirror. His muscular, tanned form
swamped her smaller, paler body on that bed. He dominated her
utterly. The tendons in his thighs worked hard as he thrust in and
out with a powerful, animalistic grace. He was magnificent. Such a
pity a man so well made had to wear clothes that hid his perfect
masculinity. He was sex on two feet.
    From the moment they first
met he'd disturbed her senses, something inside him communicating
directly with something inside her, cutting through all the
bullshit to say, " This is what you want.
This man right here." She'd tried to
ignore it and failed.
    This was what it must have been like for a

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