Desire's Fury (Viking's Fury Book 2)

Free Desire's Fury (Viking's Fury Book 2) by Violetta Rand

Book: Desire's Fury (Viking's Fury Book 2) by Violetta Rand Read Free Book Online
Authors: Violetta Rand
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Historical, Viking
That’s what I do best.”
    She clicked her tongue in disapproval. “You are arrogant.”
    “I won’t deny it.” He took a step closer.
    “You’re an animal.”
    “I’m Norse.” He beat his chest with a fist, proud of his blood.
    “Soulless bastard.”
    There was nowhere for her to retreat to; he’d cornered her against the door. “Do you see it’s pointless to run? Unless you choose to come into my arms.” He spread them wide, hoping she would. “Mine,” he growled, desperate to hold her.
    “Don’t touch…”
    In one fluid movement, he pressed her flat against the door with his body and ripped the veil from her face. “Eva. My sweet Eva.” He devoured her soft lips, giving her no time to recover from the shock of him knowing who she was.
    Rigid at first, when his tongue met hers, she melted beneath him.
    “Did you think I’d want another in my bed?” He lifted her hands above her head and used his knee to spread her legs wide. “Foolish, girl. Don’t the spirits tell you when a man wants to fuck you?”
    Unable to contain his desire, he roughly untied the laces on the front of her gown. It gapped open all the way to her navel, revealing two milky white breasts. He lowered his head, sucking on each nipple, a blind fury rising inside him.
    He freed her hands and dropped to his knees then, lifting the hem of her dress. What greeted him between her lush thighs pleased him. Golden curls crowned her center.
    “What are you doing, Jarl Roald?”
    He gazed up at her. “What I should have done the night I met you.” He buried his face between her legs, tongue and fingers taking possession of her wet core. He sucked her nub mercilessly, loving the taste of her, dreaming of the moment he’d bury himself inside her.
    Her body jerked uncontrollably as his fingers circled and sank deeper. By the gods he’d found paradise on Odin’s green earth. No woman had ever consumed him so completely. Without thinking, he lifted her above his head and carried her to his bed, lowering her to the mattress. Then he spread her legs even wider, breathing in her scent, enjoying the way her saturated core glistened in the candlelight.
    She squirmed a little, the look in her eyes revealing what she wanted—what she’d come here to give him. Her body, her blessed maidenhead. And for the first time in his life, Roald cared whether a woman he bedded was a virgin.
    “Mine,” he whispered as he positioned himself between her legs again, lowering his mouth to her entrance. “Beautiful, Eva. Wet, sweet girl. Everything I’ve ever wanted. Everything I knew you’d be.”
    Like a Berserker, he took her again and again with his tongue, making her scream and tremble, her insides convulsing around his tongue and fingers.
    And just when he knew she couldn’t take another lick, he stood up and stripped his clothes off. “I can’t wait, Eva. Will you give yourself to me?”
    She shifted to her knees, staring at his cock with amazement. “Is this my reward for coming to you tonight?” she asked.
    “You can have whatever you want.”
    He nodded.
    “Come here, then.”
    Proud she was impressed by his engorged member, he walked to the edge of the bed where she could reach him. But instead of caressing him or licking his shaft, she flicked the base instead.
    “Ouch!” He jerked out of reach. “What are you doing?”
    “What my mother always taught me to do whenever I encountered an erection.”
    “Just how many cocks have you seen?” he asked angrily, jealousy blooming in his gut.
    “Just yours.”
    “So why am I the victim of this cruel act? And what does it mean?”
    “My mother told me if you flick a man’s penis in the right spot it will wilt.”
    The purpose dawned on Roald then. To protect her against overexcited patients. “I will personally thank your mother someday. But never try that on me again. Understand, woman?”
    He pushed her back on the furs and she opened up for him.

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