Sexed Into Submission

Free Sexed Into Submission by Julie Bailes

Book: Sexed Into Submission by Julie Bailes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie Bailes
and yogurt I can mix for us,” she informs.
    “Appealing, but I need something more fulfilling.” Instantly, her eyes go wide and her mouth falls open. “Relax, Piper, you’re safe,” I laugh, standing from the bed.
    Twisting the wet cloth, I snap it to the outside of her thigh. “Ouch,” she yelps.
    “Now, get dressed and I’ll take you out for real food.”
    After we’ve eaten brunch, I decide to take Piper for a walk along the beach. While I’m pleased with how her body reacts to pain, I’m eager to know what’s going on inside that beautiful head of hers. “How long have you been in Miami?” she inquires.
    “ Long story,” I begin, blowing out a breath. “I got involved in a relationship I had no business being in, pretended to be someone I wasn’t, and got burned. What about you? Were you raised here?” I finish, changing the subject.
    “I was born and raised in Phoenix. My mom and dad separated when I was a teenager. Dad moved to New York and my mom is constantly busy. A few of my friends and I visited Miami for our senior trip, and after spending a week here, I didn’t want to go back home. Warm weather, ocean, and hot guys… I fell in love,” she smiles.
    “That’s something I’ve yet to see you do.”
    “What’s that?”
    I stop walking and turn her around to face me. Cupping the side of her face, I trace her lips with my thumb. “Smile.”
    She wraps her petite fingers around my wrist and removes my hand from her cheek. “Don’t do that. Don’t get all mushy on me. What happened between us doesn’t mean things between you and I have to get personal and awkward. We fucked. That’s it. We didn’t fall in love or discover we’re one another’s soul mate. You’re my boss. I’m your employee, and it shouldn’t have happened,” she blabbers, pacing the shoreline.
    Reaching out, I wrap my arms around her and pull her into my chest. “You’ re right. We aren’t lovers,” I agree. “Sit,” I order, pulling her down to sit between my legs. With her back resting back against my chest, she lays her head onto my shoulder. “There is something about you, Piper. You’re magnetic and for reasons unknown, I’m drawn to you. Much like a paperclip to a magnet, I can’t resist the pull. Why is that?” Kissing the top of her head, her eyes lids flutter. “My spanking you and tossing orders your way, they didn’t scare you? How does that make you feel?”
    Pushing hers elf onto her knees, she turns and straddles me. With her forehead against mine, she lifts my hand and places it under her skirt between her bare thighs. “Feel that, Ryder? Do you feel how hot I am?” I nod. “That is how I feel about what you did to me,” she whispers.
    Pushing her panties aside, I insert my fingers into her. She’s so fucking wet my fingers slip in without force.
    Wrapping her hand around my wrist, she lifts herself up and removes my fingers. Then, she parts her lips and sucks them into her mouth. Though my dick instantly stands to attention, I resist the urge to take her in front of an audience. “Piper, let go of my fingers.” Instead of obeying me, she bites down and looks to me with challenging eyes. “Don’t. Trust me. You don’t want to test me, beauty. This is why we’re here. There’s shit you need to know, and as bad as I want you, I won’t fuck you again. Not until I’m certain you understand and accept me for who I am,” I explain.
    Pulling my fingers from her mouth, she wraps her hands around my neck. Acknowledging my bulge, she glides her heat along my stiffness. “Tell me,” she whispers.
    “You know what I am, don’t you?”
    Biting her lip, she nods. “I do. A sub can spot a dom a mile away.”
    Spot on. This is what’s different about her . She’s already experienced my lifestyle. I fucking knew it. “Yet, you remain defiant. Why is that, Piper?”
    “Because I don’t belong to you,” she states.
    “On the contrary, mi

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