jealousy, of course. No, he just wanted to be on the road.
“Back off,” she growled at Adam. “I’ll make friends where I want.”
Adam ignored Bryan’s snort when Candy smiled at Doc like sunshine, breathing deep and relaxing from the tension of the last few minutes. Doc knew everything about them. What they’d gone through as kids and why they still sometimes shared an extra-king bed just to 64
Reece Butler
stop the nightmares. The old man also knew there’d be three of them in it tonight.
A widower for many years, Doc would be a great friend for Candy since she wouldn’t have to hide anything. He and Bryan would be outside all day working and she might get lonely. Since Doc retired he’d had too much time on his hands. He’d told them he was fed up with old women chasing him with casseroles.
“I hear you’re a good cook.” Doc gave Candy a mournful look that would have done a basset hound proud. He dang near put up a paw and begged.
“I bet you have a sweet tooth that needs filling.”
Caught, the old codger blushed.
“I’m afraid I haven’t even seen the Double R and don’t really know what I’m getting into, but I’d love to bake for you.” She turned to Adam. “Would it be okay to have my new friend over for dinner soon? He looks like he could use some fattening up.”
Adam pulled Candy’s back against his front and kissed the top of her head. It felt fantastic to have a warm woman to show off, especially a feisty, proud, gorgeous one like Candy.
“Give us a week or so to settle in first, Doc. I don’t know what she needs in the kitchen. The two of us aren’t exactly gourmet chefs.”
“Your version of a three-course meal being macaroni from a box, wieners and ketchup?”
Adam shrugged sheepishly at Doc’s comment since it struck so close to home.
“And on that note, I’ve got breakfast,” said Bryan. He held an insulated bag in one hand, a cardboard tray with three tall coffees in the other.
Adam let Candy go when she pulled away. He’d have time enough with her soon. Doc blushed when she brushed his cheek with a kiss before returning to the door.
“She’s a keeper,” murmured Doc. “Look at those hips. Perfect for babies.”
Cowboy Sandwich
Adam’s gut twisted. He pushed down the ripple of happiness he’d felt before Doc reminded him of facts. “She’s just visiting for a few weeks,” he growled. “Then she’ll be gone.”
“Why? You won’t go wrong with that one for the next thirty years or so.” Doc lifted an eyebrow and gave him That Look.
“Come on, she’s from Boston. She won’t last long before she needs her cappa-mocha-whatever and heads back to the city.”
Adam followed Candy, eager to get her home.
“Truck’s not going anywhere. I got the keys,” called Bryan.
Adam flipped him the bird and kept walking. He hated leaving Bryan alone with Doc since they were talkative bastards. He turned and, sure enough, Bryan’s mouth flapped, close enough to kiss the old fool. He dug into his pocket for his second set of keys and jangled them high as if they were panties and Bryan a tracking dog.
“Rock and roll, boy!”
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Chapter 10
Candy leaned forward, straining to see the ranch house between the snowflakes they’d chased the last few hundred miles. She’d spent most of the trip asleep on Adam’s shoulder with Bryan’s solid presence in the driver’s seat. They’d woken her near the peak of the Anaconda Range before crossing the Continental Divide even though she could see nothing but snow.
Now perched between the two men in the front seat, she wriggled, cursing her damp panties. She’d never been so horny in her life. From the matching bulges visible on either side of her, they felt the same.
Last night’s gyrations brought a morning’s worth of aches in muscles she’d never known existed. Would she get the chance for a soaking bath before they burst in on her, raring to go?
Adam sat up, straining forward
Kristen Strassel, Allyson Starr