All for Allie

Free All for Allie by Julie Bailes

Book: All for Allie by Julie Bailes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie Bailes
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
settles on my chest, and she uses the tip of her index finger to draw shapes and patterns around my heart. “The sky is beautiful, don’t you think?”
    Actually, I haven’t taken my eyes off her since we came out here, so I wouldn’t know. “Mesmerizing, just like you.” As we lie here on our backs , entwined in one another, she star gazes as I run my fingertips up and down her spine. My eyes remain fixated on her, watching her back rise and fall as she breathes.
    I’ve never hated the future as much as I do at this very moment. The future is my enemy, yet still my best friend. My departure is coming faster than I’d like. I don’t like it at all, actually. Yet, the future is the only thing I have to look forward to, a future of coming home to her, if she’ll take me back. She’s going to feel betrayed, abandoned. But time heals all wounds, right?

    Commit Her to Memory
    “WYATT, WAKE UP.” Allie whispers, gliding her hand along the side of my face. We must have fallen asleep pointing out shapes the stars made; well, that she pointed out. I just watched her the entire time. “Wyatt! Look!” I open my eyes and follow her hand that’s pointing up to the sky. “See it? It’s a shooting star. Make a wish,” she instructs.
    “ Wha-” Her hands cover my mouth.
    “Shh, just close your eyes and make a wish.”
    I close my eyes and do as she instructs. I don’t have to think about what to wish for; it’s the same prayer I’ve said over and over again, since I signed my life away. I just pray to come home safely and for her to accept me back with open arms.
    “You do it?” she asks.
    “Yeah. You?”
    She gazes back to the sky “No.” I roll to my side and position us so that our fronts rest against each other’s.
    “What? Why not?”
    She looks at me bemused, as if she can’t believe I’ve asked her this question s . “Are you serious?” I nod. “You can’t make more than one wish on a shooting star; they won’t come true. Everyone knows that.”
    I place my palm to the side of her face and trace her mouth with my thumb. “Not true, babe. People from all across the country can see the same star that you can. I’m sure there were several people that wished on the same star I just did. So go on, close those beautiful eyes of yours and make a wish,” I urge.
    She rolls her eyes at me before closing them. She crinkles her nose as she wishes, making the cutest damn face I’ve ever seen. I chuckle as I watch her, and my chuckling breaks her thoughts. “What’s so funny?” she glares. I shake my head and smile. “Get it out,” she demands, pushing my shoulders back. I lie back and she positions herself on top of me. Her knees straddle both sides of my waist. Her hair, which was pulled up earlier, has made its way loose and is covering the sides of my face as her eyes examine me.
    “Nothing, baby. I just love the way you still believe in wishing upon shooting stars, that’s all,” I say, gently massaging the outsides of her thighs. She turns her head slightly and furrows her brows, “Oh yeah? Why’s that?” she asks.
    “With all that you’ve been through this past year, I’m surprised you still believe in wishing. You lost your dad, and pretty much your mom. Lucille works so much she’s practically nonexistent to you. And then Kyle’s new found passion to become a, you’re the strongest person I know.” I tug on her chin gently to pull her to me. I lean my head up half way and bring my lips to hers. “This is why, from here on out, I’m calling you my butterfly,” I speak softly against her lips.
    She puckers her lips and kisses me gently. “I love you, but you’re corny.” She runs one of her hands through my hair and kisses me once again.
    “Yeah, but you love me and all my corniness,” I say between kisses.
    She nods, and I feel her smile against my mouth. “This is true,” she confirms.
    She breaks our kiss and pulls her head back slightly. I

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