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Book: Forbidden by Lori Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Adams
as though we haven’t seen each other in years. “Bail and Rach have told me so much about you.” She has the same faint European accent I detected in Raph. She squeezes my hands and says, “You’re right, Bailey, she is beautiful.”
    My smile takes a nosedive, and I look at Bailey, expecting the punch line. Okay, this is embarrassing .
    Bailey is engrossed in her iPhone but glances up long enough to shrug and say, “Chica bonita.”
    “Classic beauty,” Milvi says, as though that explains everything. She is still holding my hands and I get the sense that she is assessing me the way Raph did. It’s almost awkward, but then she strikes a dazzling smile and releases me, and I feel like I’ve passed a test or something.
    I understand what Rachel meant about Milvi being special. Despite her outward energy, she exudes an unusual calmness that puts others at ease. Me included.
    We follow the line around the room and eventually load our trays with lasagna, bread sticks, and apple pie. We maneuver through a maze of tables and plop down with the guys: Duffy, Casey, Raph, Michael, Gabe, J.D., and Holden. Casey is entertaining everyone with a story about a tourist at the Soda Shoppe, one of the many places he works around town. I understand it’s the family business.
    The second heartbeat started before I sat down, and my arms tremble like they do when I forget to eat all day and get the shakes. I know I should eat but I have strangely lost my appetite.
    I am pushing pasta and ricotta cheese around my plate when Rachel says, “Michael, tell your mom this recipe is soooo delicious. I love lasagna with fennel!”
    The moment she says “mom,” a vision flashes in my mind: a lush green landscape, a giant Victorian farmhouse, and a tall greenhouse next to a vegetable garden.The images are vibrant, the colors brilliant and pristine, as though the house is right in front of me and I can reach out and pick a flower from a vine.
    I squeeze my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. It’s the nicest hallucination yet, but I know I shouldn’t be having it.
    I blink back to the cafeteria and look over at Michael. Simultaneously, the pain in my chest flares and the second heartbeat accelerates. Michael is frozen, a carbon copy of the night of the accident. He is staring—not at me—but across the table. I look and see Casey James laughing at his own joke. A moment later he stops, and his mouth opens and closes like a fish. His eyes gradually bulge in panic. Before I can think the words, He’s choking , Michael is there, wrapping his arms around Casey’s waist and hauling him out of the chair. I blink, and Raph, Gabe, and Milvi are there. Everybody else hesitates in surprise and then jumps up and rushes over.
    I know CPR! My mind springs into action. I’m a certified swim instructor and taught a CPR class last summer. Omygod! I never thought I’d have to use it!
    Michael administers the Heimlich maneuver over and over. It isn’t working. Casey leans forward, cut in half by Michael’s tight grip. Raph drops to his knees and shoves a hand against Casey’s chest, and I have no idea why.
    “Again!” Raph barks the order, and Michael gives another hard squeeze. Casey flops forward and flails his arms. He’s turning blue. “Again!” Raph demands, and the scene repeats.
    Someone is yelling for the school nurse but she can’t be found. We are paralyzed with fear and then someone else yells, “Call nine-one-one!” and the entire room jumps alive with cell phones. Teachers push us back and demand we give them room. No one interrupts Michael and Raph.
    “Again!” Raph snaps.
    Gabe and Milvi are busy herding the crowd away but I duck between the vending machines. I wait anxiously in case the Heimlich maneuver doesn’t work and Casey needs CPR.
    Michael squeezes again and whispers, “Come on, kid, not on my watch.”
    I snap to attention. What the hell?
    Raph glances up at Michael and shakes his head. They gently lay Casey on

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