
Free Blitzed by Lauren Landish

Book: Blitzed by Lauren Landish Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Landish
not angry. I bet you say that sort of lie so often that it's second nature by now."
    I don't know what to say, so I decide to change the subject. “How about we just go back to talking about my being whipped?"
    Whitney studies me intently for another moment, then grins. “What are we going to do? Because I'll be honest, Troy. I kinda like this sort of setup."
    "I was thinking . . . homecoming's not far off. And as a senior, and team captain, and overall man about campus, I've got the very important job of nominating a girl to be homecoming queen. Whoever I choose, well, she's going to have some heavy social expectations."
    "Such as?" Whitney asks, a smile growing on her face. "I mean, these must be very heavy social expectations."
    "They are. She's going to be expected to do a video for the homecoming committee, she's going to be expected to participate in the halftime ceremony, and if she wins, she and I are expected to dance together at the homecoming dance that Saturday night. That's a lot to expect."
    Whitney hums and taps her lips with her index finger, like she's thinking hard. "Well you know, Dani would make a great homecoming queen. But she'll probably be asked by someone else, and pairing the school's top man and top girl . . . that's just not fair for anyone else."
    "Besides the fact that until last week, I wasn't really thinking of asking anyone," I say, causing Whitney to arch an eyebrow. "I wasn't going to just nominate some girl just because. I told myself last year, if I nominate anyone, it's going to be someone special."
    "You mean someone with special talents, or someone special to you?" Whitney asks, playfully intense. "Because such a girl, if she existed, would have to be your girlfriend. And most of the girls I know are jealous and possessive. They don't share very well. They'd want you all to themselves."
    "You mean, they'd want me tamed, or dare I say it, whipped?"
    Whitney grins and nods. "I could hear that said about you."
    "So what do you think? Think you'd like to be my homecoming queen?” I ask. "More importantly, though, Whitney, I guess I'm asking if you'd like to be my girlfriend."
    "On one condition," she says, and I roll my eyes. Her and her conditions. "Do you mind if we are public about it? I mean, I don't want to be some girl you keep on the down low because she's not popular enough for your crowd."
    I grab Whitney in a hug and laugh, kissing her forehead. "I'm proud to have a girl so beautiful and cool as my girlfriend."

    * * *
    W hitney's acceptance fuels me all through work that day, which is okay. I mean, to avoid getting seen, I'm in the back the whole time, which is hot as hell because of the brick pizza oven and the fact I have to keep chucking wood into the fucker in between chopping ingredients and washing dishes, but I get free pizza out of it, and the owner lets me take home two pies at the end of the night, orders that had been screwed up by the cooking crew, and that was on top of eating half a pizza for my dinner for free. Getting home, I feel great about my day until I open the door to my house.
    Dad's not passed out drunk like I thought he'd be. I mean, it's after midnight, and he's usually passed out by nine at the latest. I close the door and can immediately tell why. Dad's out of booze. "Run short on Popov?"
    "Landlord came by while you were gone," Dad rumbles. "Had to give him the last of the money to get him to leave. What did you do with the rest, you piece of shit?"
    I blink, too tired, confused, and pissed off in general to really answer with any sort of restraint. "Me? In case you haven't noticed, I've been at work for the past seven hours, you hungover fuck! What have you done with the money? Oh yeah, you drank it all! I'm getting by on leftover pizza and school lunch, and you're asking me about money? Fuck you! Fuck you and your fucking blame. I'm tired of it!"
    "Get out!" Dad screams back at me, coming off the couch and raising his hand. "Get out until you

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