Fast Connection (Cyberlove #2)

Free Fast Connection (Cyberlove #2) by Megan Erickson, Santino Hassell

Book: Fast Connection (Cyberlove #2) by Megan Erickson, Santino Hassell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Erickson, Santino Hassell
back,” I said belatedly. “Tell me about yourself.”
    He latched his mouth onto the side of my neck and bit softly. When I groaned, he pulled away.
    “Not much to say.”
    “How old are you?”
    A brief hesitation. Then, “Thirty-nine.”
    “I’m twenty-seven.”
    “Older than I thought.” A harder bite. This time it was punctuated by rocking of his hips. “You act like a punk kid.”
    “Product of going from a punk-ass eighteen-year-old high school student to being a punk-ass soldier. Not much time to adjust to real-life adult shit when I went from football and chasing skirts to manning the motherfucking machine gun in an MRAP.”
    Luke’s body stilled. I swore tension lanced up his back, but I didn’t know him well enough to understand what it meant.
    “You were the gunner?”
    He scrutinized every inch of my face. “So you’ve seen some shit.”
    “Done some shit too.” I didn’t look away and I kept myself from asking just how he knew what an MRAP was. Only military folks were typically familiar with the name of the armored vehicles we used for patrols. But my silver fox was skittish, and I wouldn’t push. “And yet I’m still here making you smile. That counts for something, right?”
    Luke’s eyes narrowed. “I never smiled.”
    “Yeah you did.” I grinned at his flat stare. “We can pretend it didn’t happen if you make me come again.”
    And he did. He played with me until my dick was dribbling and I was begging him in low, throaty tones to turn me inside out with pleasure. Take me hard and deep until I forgot my name. He did more than that. After a while, I forgot how to talk. By the time he’d shoved my knees halfway over my head to pound the holy hell out of me, I was out of my mind.
    When it was over, I fell asleep hard only to be woken by him shaking me a moment later. Uh-oh. Taking a nap was apparently out of the question. I understood that, though. We’d only met twice and it was a little early for us to be sharing a bed for anything other than getting nasty.
    “I’ll be out of your way in a sec.”
    I stood up on wobbly knees, washed up a second time, and was dressed in less than two minutes. My appearance was three times as wrecked as it had been earlier, but I didn’t give a damn about doing the walk of shame this early in the evening. My mind was spinning from the intense sex, and my gut was tightening at the thought that maybe this wasn’t just about cuddle time. Maybe he was done with me now.
    Why did that hit me so hard? We were strangers. And there were a ton of other guys willing to meet me who could probably perform just as well in bed. But…
    I snuck a glance at Luke as we trooped to the door.
    But those guys wouldn’t be this hotly grumpy with crazy blue eyes and a stingy smile. They wouldn’t be this genuinely intense. They wouldn’t be Luke.
    “Thanks,” I said like an idiot once we got to the door. “I appreciate the bonus round. It was more than I expected.”
    The comment earned me a serious stare. It seemed like Luke was trying to tell if I was being a smartass or not. After a moment, he jerked me forward. And just like last time, I found myself being devoured in a hungry kiss. Except this time, it was deeper. Longer. And when I moaned breathlessly upon pulling away, he yanked me back.
    We wound up crushed against his front door, his hands in my hair and my fingers digging into his shoulders, as our tongues tangled. I didn’t want it to end. I loved the smell and feel of him. And most of all I loved the fact that he wanted me. Had nothing to do with military loyalty or future expectations or family obligations. He wanted
That was it. Nothing else mattered inside this house but how good we could make each other feel.
    “Fuck, you’re making it hard to swallow the fact that this is probably our last goodbye,” I said.
    “Shut up.” Luke peeled himself off me. “I’ll see you in a week.”
    My smile nearly split

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