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Free Satisfaction Guaranteed by Charlene Teglia

Book: Satisfaction Guaranteed by Charlene Teglia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlene Teglia
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
bathroom and watched as she climbed into the tub. Part of him wanted to get naked and join her in there. That part was half-hard and straining against his zipper. Better to think with his head than his dick if he wanted to keep the ground he'd just regained, though. Instinct told him this was not the time to push.

    "Relax and soak. When you're ready, there's a robe hanging behind the door. Put it on and come join me downstairs."

    "I could just get dressed." She gave him an uncertain look. "You are."

    "I got dressed because I had to go outside for wood." Chase leaned forward and feathered a row of kisses along her forehead and then placed one on the tip of her nose. "Idon't want you to get dressed, Rachel. I don't want you to leave yet. Do you trust me?"

    "Yes," she answered without hesitation. A surge of relief caught him by surprise, and he realized her answer was much more important to him than he'd expected. He wanted her trust, wanted her, and not just for a weekend. Which meant he'd have to show her what he wanted and hope it was enough to convince her they had something real when he told her the truth.

    "Come downstairs when you're done in here, and leave your clothes where they are."

    A stunned look came over her face. "I just realized. I don't know where they are."

    "That's because you're a wild woman." Chase grinned at the look on her face and tweaked her nipple before he left her to bathe and regroup. Although if she took too long, he decided as he thudded down the stairs, he'd come and drag her out of the tub. He didn't intend to let her pull away from him again.

    He wasn't going to make the same mistake twice. Giving Rachel a little privacy was one thing. Leaving her alone in a vulnerable state was another. He didn't want to leave any more room for doubts to grow.

    Rachel closed her eyes and ducked under, then rose up so that her head was above the water level. The water was just right, not too hot, not too cold. Although she could tell it would cool quickly. She wondered if Chase had set the temperature that way on purpose, so it wouldn't encourage her to linger overlong in the tub.

. She washed herself with lazy movements as she thought about the fascinating man who was waiting for her.He really thought she was the handcuffs type? She could see how he'd gotten the idea, given the way they'd met and what they'd done on their first date. But he also had to know this was fantasy and her real life was a world apart.

    That thought sent a sharp pain through her midsection, and Rachel realized she was dangerously caught up in the fantasy herself. She wanted to think she was sexy and fun. And maybe she wanted Chase to think so, too.

    Maybe she just plain wanted Chase.

    She sighed and ducked her head under the water again. No maybe about it. He sent her into sensory overload. Maybe that was just chemistry. If so, there was obviously a lot to be said for chemistry. He kept surprising her, and that engaged her interest fully. She'd never met a man like him.

    Although come to think of it, she knew next to nothing about him. Aside from what car he drove, which could be a rental, and that he had this cabin, what
she know about Chase?

    She knew he tasted good, but that kind of information didn't fit neatly into any classification. Unless she put it under the mental heading "Why Sex with Chase Is Fantastic." There was a very long list of items she could file there.

    She knew he was deliberate, that he had a habit of thinking things through before he spoke or acted. That was better, a character-revealing trait. What else?

    She knew he kissed as if he meant it, he had a sexually dominating streak a mile wide, and he was a very skilled lover. That made her stomach churn because of the implication that he'd had a lot of practice. On other women. Women who were more fun than she was.

    Stop comparing yourself with imaginary women
, Rachellectured herself. The last thing she needed was a trip to mental

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