The Endless Knot

Free The Endless Knot by Gail Bowen

Book: The Endless Knot by Gail Bowen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gail Bowen
about how scared she was when she realized that the feeling she was a girl trapped in a boy’s body wasn’t going to go away. She was ten years old. That’s when she started competitive swimming. It was a gutsy act for a kid. Glenda thought that if she was forced to compete publicly with a body that was demonstrably male, she might start to feel like a boy.”
    “But it never happened.”
    “No. In her words, the knowledge that she was female engulfed her. When she finally faced the fact that the only way she could live her life was as a woman, she went straight to her father.”
    “And he was accepting.”
    “Yes. It wasn’t easy for him. I guess it wouldn’t be easy for any parent, but he was Sam Parker, the defender of family values. To his credit, Sam didn’t flay Glenda with chapter and verse about moral abominations. According to Glenda, he took her in his arms and he didn’t let go.”
    I felt a lump in my throat. “I’d like to hear that interview.”
    “My pleasure,” Charlie said. “It’s unedited except for one sentence.”
    “Which was?”
    “Just before we stopped taping, Glenda said, ‘I’d kill for him too, you know.’ ” Charlie averted his gaze. “Imagine loving your father that much.”
    For a few moments, we sat in silence. There didn’t seem to be much to say. I think we were both relieved when my cellphone rang and it was Zack asking where the hell I was. Within seconds, a car stopped outside the Hynd cottage. Charlie leapt to his feet. “Must be the Big Man,” he said.
    I went to the window. Zack’s Jaguar was in the driveway. “Good call,” I said.
    Charlie joined me and the two of us watched as Zack unfolded his chair, snapped it into position, and swung his body from the driver’s seat onto the seat of his chair. When Zack started up the path to the house, Charlie put his arm around my shoulder. His body was painfully thin. “Mieka told me she was going to ask you if I should leave. What do you think?”
    “It’s Thanksgiving,” I said. “People should be with people they love.”
    “Thank you,” he said. “That means a lot. Now, I’ll get the rock out of here, and leave you and Zack alone.”
    “Stick around long enough to say hello,” I said.
    Charlie shrugged. “My pleasure,” he said.
    Zack was still wearing the suit he had on at lunch, and he looked exhausted, but his voice was eager. “Ms. Kilbourn, you are a welcome sight.” His gaze shifted to Charlie. “And you’re here,” he said, extending his hand. “I hope you’re staying for the weekend?”
    “That’s the plan,” Charlie said.
    “Good,” Zack said. “Then we’ll have a chance to talk. Incidentally, that’s a great T-shirt.”
    “Glad you approve,” Charlie said.
    After he left, Zack looked at me questioningly.
    “Mieka invited him,” I said. “I take it you don’t mind.”
    “Not at all. Charlie Dowhanuik is a useful person to have around.” Zack glanced around the cottage. “So where is everybody?”
    “Well, let’s see. Angus and Leah made it safely to New York. Pete already hit the sack because he wants to go fishing tomorrow. Willie and I are babysitting the little girls till Mieka and Greg get back from their walk in the moonlight. Taylor and Isobel are at our place watching a movie.”
    He grinned. “Hey, I like the sound of that ‘our place.’ ”
    “And you don’t mind that the girls are staying with us?”
    “We said we wanted a big family Thanksgiving. Taylor is family, and Isobel is part of the closest thing I have to a family. I value this, Ms. Kilbourn. When I was driving out here tonight, I was trying to remember what I did last Thanksgiving, and I drew a blank. Then I tried to think of what I’d done other Thanksgivings – more blanks. I don’t care who sleeps where, as long as everybody’s content and you’re with me.”

    Zack’s paraplegia affected every area of his life. There were the everyday frustrations of living in a

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