
Free Broken by Jordan Silver

Book: Broken by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
too long on a slow throb.
    He didn’t say much after that-thank heaven- but that didn’t stop her from sitting at the edge of her seat thinking, ‘what next?’ He wasn’t like anyone she was accustomed to. In a small town like this people tended to be on top of each other, everyone knew everyone and there were really no surprises. They’d all gone to school with each other or worked together in one capacity or another and so she knew pretty much everyone in her age group around here. Nope, not one of them came close.
    He exuded a kind of self-confidence that she wasn’t used to. His very manner and the way he spoke, even the way he sat there at her broke down table like he was king of the roost, was something she had no experience with. They ate in silence as her mind imagined all sorts of things.
    For whatever reason, regardless of what he said, she found herself making constant comparisons between him and her ex. Like at the end of the meal when he took her cup and refilled it without being asked. Paul had never done that, in fact because he was the one with the higher education and better future prospects, he’d always taken it for granted that he was the one who was to be waited on hand and foot.
    When she thought of it now, she could just kick her own ass. How could she have been so blind? How could she let herself be used like that, by someone she trusted? And what in the hell did she expect to get from this total and complete stranger?
    She was even more surprised at his next offer after they’d finally finished their coffee. “You wash I’ll dry, it’s only fair since I made breakfast. Next time you cook, I’ll wash.” Well you could’ve blown her over, not only was he offering to wash dishes, but he was also inferring that there would be a next time. The thought shouldn’t have pleased her half as much as it did, but it did.
    She wasn’t sure what to do with herself after the dishes were done in relative quiet, but she needn’t have worried. “Let’s go.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the door. “Where are we going?” She dug her heels in to keep from being dragged across the floor.
    “That ride I mentioned.” He kept ahold of her hand and her pulse kicked into overdrive again.
    “I can’t go like this, remember?” She looked down at herself and his eyes followed. When his nostrils flared and a slash of red came across his cheeks, she knew he wasn’t blushing and thought it prudent to hightail her ass to the bedroom and change.
    “It’ll only take a minute.” She freed herself from his grasp.
    “Lied every female since creation.” He shot back as she disappeared around the corner. Damn her ass looked nice in those soft shorts. He berated himself for not doing the litmus test while she was still wearing them, next time. His dick perked right the fuck up at the thought.
    She was back in five minutes covered from head to toe. “You’re not going to war baby cakes, just for a ride.” She had thrown on a light jacket over her long sleeved tee, jeans and old work boots.
    “But I’ve never been on a bike before what if I fall? At least I’ll be padded a little.” She’s so cute with her eyes little girl wide and her pouty lip. He wanted to bite that lip and work his way down to her…He dragged his mind back and took her hand again, pulling her along in haste to get the fuck out before she ended up on the floor under him.
    He was rethinking his offer to take her for a ride as soon as they reached his bike. He hadn’t given much thought to the closeness they’d share once she hopped on behind him, but when her little arms wrapped around his middle and she held on for dear life he knew he was in trouble.
    That shirt wasn’t doing much to protect his back from the feel of her soft cushiony tits pushing into him. And since she was nervous she held on with both arms and legs…tight. The vee where her pussy sat between her thighs was pressed into his ass and his dick was

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