Water Music

Free Water Music by Margie Orford

Book: Water Music by Margie Orford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margie Orford
Tags: South Africa
next to it. There are a couple of those. She came again later, March or April. He flipped a few pages. She didnt write in the book that time, mustve forgotten. In any case, she came alone then. Would you like to see where our guests stay? he asked. Who knows, you might also need a sanctuary one day.
    Right now, thought Clare, thats exactly whatI need. Somewhere to hide. Somewhere to wait until all this has passed.
    Please, is what she said instead.
    The communal room was off the verandah. Stern pushed the door open, revealing a large room with a double bed in the corner and some bunk beds. Clare swept her hand along the top bunk. It was stripped of bedding.
    So you havent seen her since?
    Stern shook his head.
    And your wife? said Clare.

    Nancy, said Stern. Yes, perhaps you should speak to her. She mightve been more of a confidante.
    Clare followed him outside again. The smell of pine trees and freshly turned earth. Late-afternoon rays illuminated a woman in white, bending over rows of turned earth. A boy of about five squatted nearby, playing. He stood up as Clare and Stern approached, pulling his brown beanie low onto his forehead.

    Nancy. Time and the weather had clearly been unkind to the woman. She glanced at her husband and gave Clare a tentative smile.
    My hands, she held them out, muddy. Without shaking hands, she looked Clare over, rather in the way one assesses livestock. The boy pulled down his beanie, his dark eyes fixed on Clares face.
    Dr Hart wants to ask you about Rosa, Nancy. Stern placed his hand on his wifesshoulder. She did not flinch, but it seemed to Clare that she was relieved when he took it away again.
    The boy came to stand by her side; she drew him towards her.
    Rosa was here in the summer, Nancy said. A couple of times she stayed. But then she didnt come back.
    You expected her to return?
    A gust of wind tugged at the womans plait, whipping stray strands across her face. She replaited herhair, her fingers nimble.
    She didnt say so, but she needed sanctuary, said Nancy.
    What do you mean? asked Clare.
    Rosa didnt seem to fit into the world below. She gestured towards the valley, Hout Bay hidden by a ridge that hid the homestead. Noah offered, but she wasnt ready.
    Ready for what?
    For this life we lead, said Nancy. This peace. Has she done something?
    Rosa is missing, Mrs Stern,said Clare. Her family is very concerned. She hasnt been seen for three weeks.
    Well, she hasnt been here, turning to the boy with solemn eyes, has she, Isaac?
    He shook his head.
    Nancy, did she mention anything to you? Some place she might have gone?
    Not to me, said Nancy. She was determined to stay in the world. We offered her sanctuary. But she refused it.
    You asked a minute ago if Rosahad done something , Clare said to Nancy. What were you thinking of?
    Rosa has been troubled, Noah Stern chipped in. Things have happened to her.
    When she was a child, said Nancy. For the first time, she looked straight at Clare. Her mother had problems. Thered been many stepfathers. It came out the first weekend. We did a cleansing ritual. She spoke about it all. It seemed to relieveher to say it.
    Did she mention any names? asked Care. Was there anyone she was afraid of? Someone from that time in her life?
    Husband and wife looked at each other, shook their heads in unison. The little boy drifted back towards his toys wire cars that hed probably fashioned himself.
    Not that she mentioned, said Nancy, but whos to know? Rosa liked to keep her secrets.
    Clares phone beeped;a muscle in Sterns jaw jumped.
    Sorry, said Clare. There was no reception earlier, so I didnt put it on silent.
    Yes, it comes and goes. We forget about it, though, because none of us use these cellphones, said Noah Stern as Clare opened the message.
    It was from Anwar Jacobs.
    Your little patient is stable. Shes ready 4 you.
    Clare felt an irrational surge of hope.
    Youve been very helpful, saidClare to the couple standing in front of her. If Rosa contacts

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