Spin (Boosted Hearts Book 2)

Free Spin (Boosted Hearts Book 2) by Sherilee Gray

Book: Spin (Boosted Hearts Book 2) by Sherilee Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherilee Gray
like that would break something irreparable inside her.
    “Get off me,” she said quietly.
    “I’ll give you time to think it over.” He smiled, oily as fuck, and took a step back. “Don’t make me wait long, though. I want an answer soon.”
    Her fingers curled into fists at her side. “I already have your answer.”
    His smile widened, white teeth flashing. “You’ll do it then?” The excitement in his voice made her skin crawl.
    She slid farther away so there was more distance between them, then she shook her head. “I’ll never be your whore, Len.”
    His nostrils flared, and he shoved a hand through his hair. He stared at her for the longest time, something terrifying moving behind his eyes, not saying a damned thing, then finally he said, “You want more? Fucking name your price? You want me to divorce Edith for you? I will. You prove your worth it, give me what I want, and I’ll do it. You can have all this.”
    Darcey lurched back. He’d lost his goddamn mind.
    She needed to get Noah away from this head case, as soon as possible. “No. You misunderstand me.” She wanted to tell him she’d rather die a slow, painful death than allow him to put his filthy hands on her, but she had to play this carefully. No matter how she worded her refusal, he’d be pissed. But throwing it back in his face the way she wanted to would only hurt Noah and would mean more time apart. She bit back the hatred that would color her voice if she wasn’t careful and tried for even, calm. “I’m…declining your offer.”
    “Declining?” He said it like he’d never heard the word before.
    She tried to move around him to get to the stairs. “I have to go.”
    “You think you’re too fucking good for me?” He grabbed her arm again.
    She yanked on it, trying to pull free. “Let’s just forget this happened, okay?”
    He hissed then tugged her forward so she slammed against his chest. “You’re not going anywhere. Not until I get what I want.”
    “That will never happen,” she fired back.
    Grip tightening hard enough to cause pain, he shook her, sucking in a rough breath through his nose.
    “Let me go…”
    “Say yes,” he shouted in her face.
    “Say it!” he roared.
    The front door banged shut downstairs. “Lenny!” Edith called.
    Len cursed under his breath, then shoved Darcey toward the back staircase that led to the kitchen and the back door. “Get the fuck out of here.” But she didn’t get far before he dragged her back one last time, pressing his mouth to her ear. “This isn’t over, you hear me?”
    Then he gave her another shove, hard enough she stumbled, almost fell on her ass, and headed downstairs.

Chapter Seven

    J oe growled down at his phone.
    After Darcey walked out on him Friday morning, he’d reluctantly left her place, but not before he’d done some snooping. He should probably feel like a dick for doing it, but he couldn’t muster up any guilt. The woman needed help, whether she knew it or not.
    From what he could see she was alone, being blackmailed by Al, and going by her solo night out, not handling it very well.
    Unfortunately, he hadn’t found squat. Though, he had gotten her number off her phone bill—not that she’d answered any of his texts or calls.
    If she thought she could freeze him out, she was sadly mistaken.
    He’d given her Saturday and Sunday, and now he was done waiting.
    Shoving open his car door, he climbed out and stood on the sidewalk, looking up at her place. The lights were on.
    No more hiding in the shadows, baby.
    Jogging up the steps to her building, he gritted his teeth when he hit the intercom and nothing happened. The thing was completely dead. He tried the doors and they opened without resistance. Christ. The place had zero security. And his mood didn’t improve when he got to the elevator and the thing was still out of order. It’d been that way when he brought her home Thursday night, but he assumed it was down for routine

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