A Bloody Kingdom (Ruthless People Book 4)
fuckhole and fuck yourself. Ain’t no fucking way me, Big John Matty, gonna be listening to any Italian bitch, governor or no—”
    Grabbing the fork on the table, I rammed it down into his hand. The scream that came from his lips was so pathetic I almost laughed…almost.
    “You must be new around here,” I said, taking the knife and once again stabbing through his skin. “Which is why I’m taking this time to educate you… nicely .”
    “KILL HER!”
    They all got up with their guns, but before they could pull the trigger, their phones started ringing one by one.
    “If I was you all, I would answer that. God only knows when you’ll hear from your mom, your brother, your daughter, or son or girl again…hell, a few you even got guys waiting on the end for you. I mean one minute they’re right there and the next BOOM, the government should have done something about to those faulty wires sooner huh?” I said calmly, reaching for a spoon.
    “Ma! Ma! What’s going on? What happened?”
    One by one, they all answered their phones. I smiled, spinning the spoon around my fingers as Big John stared in confusion. “Like I said, you must be new around here. Now, you could kill me, but that’s going to get messy. My husband will burn Bella Vista to the ground, kill all of you one by one and you all will turn on each other because…well, that’s what weak bitches like you do and then it’s just one bloody fucking mess. Meanwhile, I asked you nicely. Would you like me to repeat my demands?”
    “His name is Tyrone Williams. He did the hit on 42 nd .”
    “And you ordered it?”
    He swallowed and nodded.
    “Big mistake.” I rose from the table. “I better hear nothing out of Bella Vista. So much as a broken window without my family’s approval and today will seem like a good day for you.”
    As I grabbed my purse, they all parted for me as if I had the plague. I paused. “Also, about your girl….”
    Turning to face the window, I saw her laughing outside the diner right up until a black Ford Escape accelerated into her. Her body flew up like a doll being thrown by a child before crashing back to the ground and rolling off the hood onto the ground.
    “You’re going to need another one.”
    The whole diner went quiet. One by one, they pressed up against the window.
    Murphy held the door open for me and Mina, keeping silent like always during times like these. In the car, I waited for Murphy to put his seatbelt on.
    “Well, soldier? Are you with me or are you against me and how I run things?”
    His blue eyes met mine in the mirror. “I’m in, Governor.”
    “What happened to your Sunday role?” Mina questioned besides me.
    No killing on Sundays...shit, I forgot.
    Pulling out my phone, I dialed, and it only rang once before he answered, “Boss?”
    “Don’t forget to call an ambulance,” I told him before hanging up and facing her again. “Happy?”
    “Just looking out for you.” She smiled.
    The women of this family are crazy and I’m the one that made them that way, so what does that make me?

    “Everything depends on upbringing.”
    ~ Leo Tolstoy

    Now back to the developing story in Bella Vista, where last night gang members carried out multiple drive-by shootings, one of which killed seventeen-year-old Kendrick White, who used his body as a shield to protect his two younger sisters. Kendrick was a star athlete and honor roll student who was looking to go to Notre Dame after graduation. The Chicago PD has said not only do they have a suspect in custody, but they will also be increasing police presence in Bella Vista as well. In other news, the scandalous photo released by the Chicago Daily Chronicle of sitting Governor Melody Callahan and her husband Liam Callahan is apparently not so scandalous, according to the governor. In a statement released mere moments ago, she said, ‘I am unsure as to why people find this photo

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