The Laird's Future Bride
out. Holly had been enjoying being in the garden and the rich soil beneath her fingers as she focused on her task, and she hadn’t noticed how late it was.
    Standing up, she brushed her dress and her hands. “I’m sorry. I got distracted. You have a wonderful garden. This is a garden my mother and I dreamed of.”
    “I’m glad ye like it.” Duncan came to her and pulled her to him. Together they walked to the castle’s back doors. “Me mother is nay much of a gardener. Ye are welcome to play here if I see the smile ye have on ye face now.”
    Holly threw her arms around Duncan and hugged him. “Thank you. This garden is amazing.”
    “I’ll tell Nathan and Agatha, I’m sure they will appreciate help.” Duncan brushed the tip of her nose and her cheek with his fingers. “I think ye need to clean up first before we eat.”
    Duncan’s lips were inches from hers, and his woodsy smell invaded her senses as she leaned up and brushed her mouth over his. He groaned and pulled her closer as his mouth took hers with the possession Holly was getting used to. He demanded entry into her mouth as she felt his hands pull her dress up. He backed her up against the keep wall, and she quivered in anticipation as she heard the tear of her underwear.
    “I’ve never seen a more alluring sight, even with the dirt on yer nose and cheeks.” The moon shone behind him, and his muscles strained as he let his hand leave her dress and move his clothes, then he lifted her up. Holly felt her eyes widen as he growled, “Hold onto me.” His thrust was powerful as it pushed into her.
    Holly squealed and gripped him tighter. Duncan became like an animal and Holly loved his primal look as he stared into her eyes. His thick muscular arms strained to hold her weight, and she could see the pain was helping with his pleasure. The position and where they were thrilled Holly. She couldn’t believe she was doing something like this. The intense gaze and Duncan’s frenzied deep pushes in and out of her were bringing her to a fast orgasm.
    “Ye feel like heaven, woman.” he gritted out through clenched teeth. His face came down and burrowed into her neck, and he bit down on her tender flesh. Holly screamed in ecstasy. The hard stone wall at her back didn’t give way, and she came in a wash of euphoria.
    Duncan followed her not long after on a roar. He almost had them falling to the ground in a heap. “Ye undo me, Holly. I’m never letting ye go. I’m happy ye’re me wife.” He let her down gently on her shaky legs, and helped her to stand and keep her balance. “Let’s get ye cleaned up. I’ll get the evening meal brought up to us.”
    Duncan helped her up the servant stairway and opened their doors. Holly sat on a chair in front of the fire in their sitting room, and rested her eyes, smiling as she thought of the great day she’d had. It had finished with a bang, too. If her life were going to be like this in the fifteenth century, she just might come to love it.

    Duncan had come with a plate filled high for their dinner only to find Holly asleep in the chair. He’d put the food down on the table and gently lifted her.
    “It can’t be morning already. I just got to sleep,” she’d moaned in his arms.
    “It’s not, angel. I’m just putting ye to bed.”
    “Mmm, I love your voice, so deep.”
    Duncan chuckled. “I’m glad ye like it.”
    “Talk to me more,” Holly said as he’d laid her in the bed. Duncan had gone to leave, and she’d moaned, “Don’t leave me.”
    “I’ll be right back, I promise.” He went back out to the sitting room and retrieved the plate of food and came back into his chambers placing the food close by. Duncan undid his kilt and placed himself on the bed behind Holly, then undid the back of her dress.
    “Duncan, let me have some sleep first.”
    He kissed her neck and smiled. “Ye can sleep. I’m just helping ye get out of yer clothes.”
    With her eyes barely open, Holly sat up and slipped

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