Off Season (Off #6)

Free Off Season (Off #6) by Sawyer Bennett

Book: Off Season (Off #6) by Sawyer Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sawyer Bennett
pushing out in sharp little bursts. I’m so in tune with the way
she’s come before, I know she’s only seconds away. I get
back in on the action, resuming my thrusts in and out of her…
going maybe a little harder, a little deeper, but not that much
faster. I still want to drag this out as long as I can.
    My orgasm starts to
pulse… contracts inward.
going to come,” I warn Cady as I press down on her clit and rub
in circles.
    She cries out and
arches her upper back off the bed, and I know she’s shattering
right now. It’s all over for me as I watch pleasure ripple
through her.
    I slam inside of
her, grinding against her hard, and my head drops to her shoulder.
“F-u-u-c-k,” I moan against her skin as I start to come.
    Wave after wave of
pleasure… almost harsh in nature… flows through me, and
I swear my vision even starts to go dim as I realize I’m
experiencing the most profoundly deep and blistering orgasm of my
entire life. It’s more than just physical release… even
as I spill myself into her, I can feel my heart swelling up and
bulging outward with emotion.
    Lifting my head up,
I blink to clear my eyes and look at Cady. Her own eyes are closed, a
lazy smile on her face. A single tear slips out, sliding over her
cheekbone and toward her ear. I don’t even need to ask if she’s
okay. I can tell by the peacefulness on her face that her tear was
one of good emotion, not negative.
    Pulling her into my
arms, I roll to the side and concentrate on the feel of her heartbeat
against mine. I wonder to myself how in the hell I’m ever going
to let her go back to Ireland.

Chapter 11
    November 29, 2014
    “Do me a
favor, Cady, and go find out how much longer the guys will be so I
know when to start the grill,” Ever says as she dices some
tomatoes for the salad.
    I sneak a sliced,
fresh mushroom off her cutting board and pop it in my mouth. “Sure
thing,” I mumble around the lovely, earthy taste.
    Zane and I are
having dinner at Linc and Ever’s house. We were just here two
days ago for Thanksgiving dinner, but they invited us over tonight to
grill out. It’s my last night in Phoenix. Zane and I almost
declined the invitation, preferring to spend our precious remaining
time alone with each other. But then we realized that outside of
having Thanksgiving dinner with them, and Zane’s hockey game
last night, we had done nothing but lock ourselves up in his bedroom.
We decided that perhaps it wouldn’t kill us to be a little
    Now… it’s
physically impossible to have sex continuously, and so that is not
all we did in his bed. We did, however, stay almost the entire time
there, even making our food and bringing it in there to eat. We
watched TV, talked, and napped. We would have blistering hot sex,
maybe nap some more, and then get a snack. We talked, talked, and
talked some more, and while I thought I knew Zane pretty well because
of the massive amount of communication we’ve had over the last
four months, you obviously cannot know a person on a truly deep level
until you can look into their eyes while they are talking to you.
    It’s probably
been the best weekend of my life, and I don’t want it to end. I
don’t want to go back to Ireland, or to school. I don’t
miss my family or my country. No, I want to stay here… with
Zane… locked in his bedroom, secure in his arms, and have him
continue to look at me with need.
    Shaking my head, I
walk through Linc and Ever’s sprawling house to the large
den/man cave off the back of the huge living room. Linc and Zane are
in there watching a football game, while Ever and I have been slaving
in the kitchen. I can hear the faint sound of the TV and Zane and
Linc’s voices filtering out as I walk closer to the den.
if you say I sound like a girl, I’ll fucking pound you into the
ground,” I hear Zane say grumpily.
    I have to bite down
on my tongue not to giggle. This sounds very interesting, and I

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