Kane, Samantha - Brothers In Arms 3

Free Kane, Samantha - Brothers In Arms 3 by Loves Strategy

Book: Kane, Samantha - Brothers In Arms 3 by Loves Strategy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loves Strategy
collapsed beneath her.
    Valentine swept her up in his arms and carried her to the settee, laying her down there. He and Kurt quickly divested themselves of the rest of their clothes while Leah 57
    Samantha Kane
    stared at them with wonder. When they were naked, Valentine hesitated. “What do you want us to do, Leah?” he asked her, hungry to please.
    She looked at them and licked her lips again. It was a nervous habit that pushed Valentine to the edge. He loved a tongue on him, licking and swirling everywhere it went. At her next words, he knew exactly what he was going to do.
    “Show me,” Leah told them. “Show me how you both like to be touched. Show me how to please you.”
    Valentine turned and beckoned Kurt to him with an outstretched hand.

    Kurt knew what Valentine wanted, what he always wanted— Kurt’s mouth on him.
    Valentine loved the hot wet swirl of a tongue on his skin, and Kurt loved the taste of him. He eagerly took Valentine’s hand, lowering his head to lick along Valentine’s shoulder before the other man could even speak. Valentine shuddered and groaned and Kurt smiled wickedly, his eyes meeting Leah’s over Valentine’s shoulder. Her eyes were wide, the pupils enlarged until they nearly blotted out the pale blue.
    “Valentine loves to be licked, Leah, everywhere. He loves a mouth savoring him, teasing him with lips and tongue and teeth.” Kurt turned Valentine slightly so Leah had a side view and could see everything that Kurt did to him. Kurt lowered his head and slowly licked across Valentine’s hard nipples with the flat of his tongue. Valentine gripped the back of his head, fisting Kurt’s hair and holding him there on one nipple.
    Kurt bared his teeth and bit down, lightly scoring his teeth along the aroused pebble, and Valentine groaned again, louder this time.
    Kurt spoke with this lips still touching Valentine. “Valentine is a vocal lover. Not just the words, which he loves to speak and hear, but the sounds of sex. He can’t control himself and is given to loud moaning. He also loves to hear his lover. He is happiest when he has driven me to the edge and I can’t control my own moans. I like this too, it pleases me and heightens my own desire.” He turned his head and rubbed his hair along Valentine’s nipple with a slight repetitive motion of his head while he looked at 58
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    Leah. “I want to hear you in your passion too, Leah. I want to hear you moan and sob for us, beg us to fuck you. Never be embarrassed to express what you’re feeling when we make love to you.”
    “Kurt.” Valentine’s voice was a growl. “Lick me down, and then suck my cock.
    Show Leah how good you are at that.” Kurt’s stomach clenched as he remembered similar words from Valentine last night.
    Leah moaned out loud and Kurt laughed. Valentine looked at her, and Kurt could see she was as affected by the dark passion in his face as Kurt was. “Was it the words that made you moan, Leah, or the thought of what I want him to do?” Valentine asked.
    “Both,” Leah said breathlessly.
    “What do you want right now, Leah?” Valentine’s voice was harsh and his breathing erratic as Kurt licked down his stomach, paying special attention to his hips and the crease between his legs and his crotch. “Do you want to touch me, or touch yourself?”
    Leah gasped and Kurt looked up at her. “Don’t be embarrassed, beautiful Leah. It would give us great pleasure to watch you touch yourself.”
    Leah was sitting up on the settee and she had her arms wrapped around her waist.
    She bit her lower lip, staring at them in anguish for a minute before she spoke. “I don’t know how to begin.”
    “Bare your breasts for us, Leah, and fondle them. Whatever gives you pleasure.
    Show us what you like.” Kurt waited, trying not to let his impatience show. He burned for this, to see Leah rubbing her own breasts, playing with her pussy, putting her fingers in herself, coming as he sucked

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