A Lady Undone

Free A Lady Undone by Máire Claremont

Book: A Lady Undone by Máire Claremont Read Free Book Online
Authors: Máire Claremont
to the bed. “And you were such a lovely sight dreaming away.”
    She tucked a lock of hair away from her face. During the night it had fallen all about her shoulders. “Thank you,” she replied, not knowing what else to say.
    He smiled a cat-with-the-cream smile. “You’re welcome, oh beautiful one.” He adjusted the tray again, the source of the earlier clinking becoming clear as she spotted a teapot painted with violets, matching cups and saucers, and several plates laden with food.
    “Are we feeding an army?” she gasped.
    “This?” He tsked. “This wouldn’t serve a major, let alone an army.”
    She laughed. “Is that what you were? I don’t know.”
    “A major?” he queried.
    She nodded.
    He rolled his eyes heavenward. “A lowly major? You wound me.”
    She laughed again at his theatrics. “Well, do enlighten me.”
    He lifted the teapot and poured out the steaming brew into a cup. “Colonel Wyndham, lady fair. And no, I didn’t order fellows about a board in regiments.”
    He offered her the teacup. Without hesitation and amazed at their easy banter, Clare sat up, keeping the sheet tucked about her frame. She took the cup. “What did you do, then?”
    He poured a second cup, growing silent.
    “I apologize,” she rushed. “I’m being terribly impolite.”
    He quirked a brow. “Clare, we’ve made love, and I’ve admitted to having feelings for you. It’s perfectly acceptable for you to ask questions about my past. It doesn’t pain me. I promise.”
    “I . . . I’ve no real idea how men and women talk in private.”
    Leaning forward, he whispered conspiratorially, “I’ve no idea about how other men and women talk to each other in such moments, but I believe you and I are doing just fine.”
    “Truly?” She clutched her cup, wishing more than anything not to offend the man who’d opened her eyes to something she’d been certain was impossible.
    “Mmmm.” He raised a hand and took a lock of her hair between his fingers, slipping it along his skin. “We shall say whatever comes into our heads and just enjoy each other, no?”
    Her breath caught at his sensuality. “That sounds splendid to me.”
    She grinned. “Now, tell me what you did as a mighty colonel, then.”
    He opened his mouth, but suddenly she exclaimed, “Wait, I know!” She gestured to the tray filled with poached eggs, toast, rashers of bacon, and pots of jam. “You cooked, did you not?”
    “My God, woman, your imagination is quite zealous.”
    She laughed, a deep, free sound. It astonished her, but she loved the feeling and so she let the laugh continue. “Do forgive me, but I am amazed by your preparations. I doubt I could boil water with any real skill.”
    “One does learn certain things when out and about, fending for one’s self.”
    She drew up, tucking her legs beneath her. “Tell me more.”
    “Well, I spent a great deal of my time searching out information.”
    “And you were often on your own?”
    He nodded before he took a long swig of tea. “I fought in battles, that’s true enough, but my real skills were honed away from the army, elucidating helpful information from the enemy.”
    “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised.”
    “Why is that?” he said carefully.
    “You have a manner about you which makes one want to share their deepest secrets.”
    “And you, Clare? Will you share your deepest secrets with me?”
    Her deepest secrets were far too dangerous for such a moment. So, she took a sip of tea and glanced at him over the rim of her cup. “I suppose we shall have to wait and see.”
    Slowly, he reached forward and took her cup away. He placed it and his own on the tray before putting all of it on the table beside his bed.
    She studied his movements, wondering what he was up to; but when he turned back, she knew. It was in the deep fire of his eyes, and the intensity of his stare.
    “Clare, I will wait as long as it takes for you to share your secrets.” He slid

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