Goodbye Normal
rob was decorated differently from all the others.
    Zoe’s eyes narrowed, the man’s face looked familiar. But she shook her head, forcing to convince herself otherwise. Could it be possible she knew a witch? She wondered. Then she decided against it. He probably just looked like someone she knew.
    Liz saw the confusion on her face.
    “Hey what is it?” she whispered.
    “Have you ever seen the bold headed man?” Zoe murmured.
    A Latina girl in front of them turned briefly to them with an accusing glance. Liz rolled her eyes at her head.
    Liz mouthed “You read my mind.”
    Zoe’s face twitched while her head stained to fit in the puzzle. The current environment was making it impossible to concentrate on retrieving her memory.
    Maydith walked back to her position, in between the podium and the girls. She cleared her throat then composed herself by rearranging her cloak.
    “I believe all the significant members of this occasion are present, and this sacred ceremony can now commence.”
    The entire assembly consisted of a few people, the projection itself wasn’t as crucial. A thin man from the front desk interrupted Maydith. 
    “You are forgetting an important element of this assembly Maydith. I cannot see the Revelation Bowl.”    
    Zoe’s face grimaced; she tightened her grip on Liz.
    “Oh, yes, yes, if you’ll excuse me please, this will only take a second.” Maydith said and stretched her hands to the far end of the hall. Superstitiously, a golden cauldron supported by a long red upholstered stool was teleported over in front of her by the power of her hands. Shock was an understatement to the faces displayed by the young girls around the room. Liz’s eyes never wavered until then. She turned her to face Zoe, her entire face drained of blood. She just stared at her for a grim second then restored her concentration.
    Maydith also pulled a chair using her magical strength to where she was and the bold headed man stood up.
    “Welcome everybody. My name is Juven Longwood. I am the chairperson of Doomsberg Association of Witchery. This is the 186 th search for the sacred oracle of the Channeler. Before Maydith explains further, I’d like to introduce the members with me on the front desk.
    “Beside me” Mr. Longwood bellowed, his voice commanded authority as he placed his palm on the shoulder of a serious looking man who wore spectacles supported by a crocked nose. “Is Seth Krukton, he is deputy in command, and this one on my right is Moosemond Colam, he may be small but he’s extremely gifted. He is the one responsible for all your well-being’s this night. His teleportation skills never seize to amaze me. The young lady after Mr. Krukton is Gigi Turnpod; she is responsible for the all young female wizards. And last but not least is Fred Colam,” he was the thin man that had interrupted Maydith initially. “He is responsible for the male wizards…thank you very much. Maydith you may resume your duties.”
    “Young ladies of Doomsberg,” Maydith began. “We are forced to intervene your precious night because this sermon is worth more than your sleep.           This is an important tradition, precious to the Sorcerers of Doomsberg. The very same procedure is exercised every year in this very day at this very place. Your mothers, sisters, cousins and grandmothers even I have ever sat on those chairs, scared and confused beyond imagination wondering what is going on.
    “You may question yourselves, debate among each other, why is it that this is unprecedented to your ears. Well am happy to say that the reason behind is that, only those who are gifted with witchcraft in this town, are the only ones who will remember this night. For the rest of you this will only be a dreamless night with a reward of a heavy sleepy head.
    “For all the 186 years this sacred procedure has taken place, not once has the association been fortunate enough to find the Channeler.
    “All details about who the

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