Pie Town

Free Pie Town by Lynne Hinton

Book: Pie Town by Lynne Hinton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynne Hinton
    “And they aren’t very good either.” Another customer, Bernie King, a rancher, piped in. He had finished his lunch and was just getting up from his seat at the counter.
    A couple of other customers sitting near him laughed.
    “I heard that,” Bea called out from the kitchen.
    “Good,” responded Bernie. “Maybe you should do the desserts from now on or get something from the bakery at the grocery store.”
    “You don’t have to eat here, Bernie.” Fred had now entered the conversation. He was yelling from the kitchen. Everybody in the diner could hear him.
    “Yeah, where else do I have to go?” he asked. He stood at the cash register and waited until Bea came out and took his money. She was wiping her hands on the bottom of her apron.
    “There’s always the vending machine at the gas station,” Roger noted, joining in the conversation. “The Twinkies are good.”
    Bernie turned to Roger. “Yeah, it looks like you should know about that,” he said, patting his belly. “Don’t you have a weight limit as sheriff? Aren’t you supposed to be able to run a few miles and do a hundred sit-ups or something?”
    “Just have to be able to shoot annoying ranchers,” Roger answered. “And so far, the Twinkies haven’t interfered with that.”
    Everybody laughed.
    “Well, I reckon I need to hush then,” Bernie said as he handed Bea cash to pay for his lunch. “Alex, watch yourself,” he said to the young boy. “Don’t spend all of your time with your grandfather. He’s a bad influence, I don’t care what kind of badge he wears on his shirt.” He winked. “I’ll see you at the party. Hopefully, this storm will be done and gone by Saturday.”
    “Yes sir, Mr. King, I’m sure it will,” Alex said. “I look forward to seeing you too.”
    “By the way, who’s making the cake?” Bernie asked.
    Roger shrugged. “That’s on Malene’s list, not mine.”
    “It’s chocolate,” Alex said.
    Bernie smiled and nodded. “Sounds good already,” he responded.
    “You getting up the band?” Bea asked Roger.
    “That’s my assignment,” Roger replied.
    “Try not to play too much of that raunchy music you tend to be so fond of,” Bernie said. “I’d like to bring a date.” He got a toothpick from the dispenser by the cash register and stuck it in his mouth. He placed his cowboy hat on his head.
    “Bernie, if you bring a woman with you to Alex’s birthday party this weekend, I’ll make sure we play nothing but church music.” Roger knew the same thing that everybody in Pie Town knew about Bernie. He was a big talker, but he was way too shy to ask any woman out on a date. He was in his sixties and, as far as anybody knew, had never been out with a woman.
    “Why don’t you bring Ms. Francine?” Alex asked. He looked up at his waitress, still standing beside the table. “You’re coming to my party, aren’t you?”
    Francine appeared surprised to hear the question, and she blushed. “I, I am planning to attend your festivities,” she stammered. “But I will need to leave early because I have to drive to Albuquerque that evening to visit my sister.” She glanced up at the rancher, who quickly looked away.
    Everybody seemed to notice the awkward exchange, and there was a pause in the conversation.
    “Well then, Bernie,” Roger said, “I’m afraid you’ll have to get your hymns at church on Sunday. It’s raunchy music at the party Saturday night.” He smiled at Francine. He knew what nobody else in Pie Town knew. She was in love with Bernie and had been for a number of years.
    Francine smiled back at Roger. She had confided in him a few years ago when he had driven her home after her car broke down. He had promised his silence about the matter, and as far as she knew, he had kept his word. She doubted that Alex had made his suggestion because he knew anything about her feelings for Bernie or had heard anything from his grandfather.
    The rancher suddenly seemed to be at a

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