Forbidden Kisses (3:AM Kisses Book 9)

Free Forbidden Kisses (3:AM Kisses Book 9) by Addison Moore

Book: Forbidden Kisses (3:AM Kisses Book 9) by Addison Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Addison Moore
pretty ridiculous.” Those serious eyes of hers fall to mine, and I hold them there, make them stay right where I want them. There’s something about Scarlett’s all too serious eyes that makes me want to linger. The urge to soak her in overpowers the urge to run like hell. That’s what I’ve been doing—correction, we’ve been doing for the last solid year that our parents have been seeing each other. For whatever reason, the more our parents’ mutual attraction grew, Scarlett and I have experienced a repelling of sorts. Normally, I would have found her attractive, in all honesty I still do, but the fact my mother is determined to land her father as her man, any inkling of acting on that attraction I feel toward Scarlett has efficiently been canceled out. Or, in the least, I’m hoping it will be soon.
    “I don’t think your argument will hold up in a court of law.” I wink as I chug my coffee. It feels good going down, cold and sweet, and right about now, I’m craving my bed. A brief visual of Scarlett’s naked body lying on top of mine, her neck arched back, that waterfall of blood red hair dripping down her back, her hips bouncing over me, sweat trickling between her tits, riding me hard as if trying to punish me with her—
    “Are you stoned or something?” she snips, physically irate over the idea I might be lost in a chemically altered state.
    “No.” I try to shake that visual out of my head, but she’s still there, bouncing, bouncing, bouncing.
    “Okay, well, knock it off. I don’t like it. You’re creeping me out. If I’m being honest, the entire lot of you Tobermans creep me out. No offense to Knox and Trixy, but that thing they do where they communicate without speaking? It’s a little creepy, a little too sci-fi for me. And your mom?” She shakes her head. Her eyes dart into the darkness as if she’s truly perplexed by the woman, and she should be. “There is just something about her. She’s nice enough—I just can’t put my finger on it.”
    “You don’t think she’s good enough for your father?” It comes out inquisitive more than it ever does accusatory, but her eyes round out as if I’ve just declared war.
    “I never said that.”
    “But that’s what all of this protest is getting at, right?” I don’t know if it’s my growing fatigue or some real need to cut to the quick, but a part of me wants to call her out on it. “You think your father deserves someone better. It can’t be your mom because she’s been remarried for years.” A hot bite of acid detonates in the pit of my stomach. For the life of me, I don’t know why I’m nailing her to a wall—maybe because the more that pornographic fantasy plays out in my mind, I really do want to nail her to a wall. I can still see her there, grinding out a heated rhythm over my dick, switching it up and landing her sweet ass right over my face.
    She takes a sip and laughs a dark, fatalistic warning. “Leave my mother out of this.”
    “Why should we? My mom is in it. Fair is fair.”
    Her head cocks to the side, those glowing green orbs narrow down to nothing as she slits my throat with her stare. “Anybody ever tell you you’re a dick?”
    “Rexy! You lucky, lucky guy!” a female voice shrills from behind, and I turn in time to catch Savannah Anderson as she lands on my lap. When I first met Savannah, I was convinced she was a blonde cheerleading goddess, but as time went on, I’m convinced she’s a blonde cheerleading gnat that I can’t seem to shake. Her obnoxiously loud laugh explodes in my ear. The vodka radiates from her like heat off a summer sidewalk, and I turn my head away to avoid the blast. “Let’s blow this place.” Her finger finds a home over my lips as she bites down on a dirty grin. “Then we can blow each other .” Another round of intoxicated giggles goes off. “It’s been two whole weeks.” I shoot Scarlett a nervous glance, and her mouth rounds out in disgust. “I’m getting rusty,

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