Zeke (The Powers That Be, Book 2)

Free Zeke (The Powers That Be, Book 2) by Harper Bentley

Book: Zeke (The Powers That Be, Book 2) by Harper Bentley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harper Bentley
Tags: alpha male, Baking, college age, Football, bad boy
Drake pulled back because I’d thought surely
this would work. Damn it. OGSL appeared to be failing
    But I wasn’t
ready to give up just yet, so I pulled Drake down by his collar and
smashed my mouth to his thinking that if I kissed him harder it’d
make everything I felt for Zeke fade. Just as we were getting
going, Drake spun us, pushing me against the wall with his body,
which was kind of hot, and I thought maybe the plan was working
until I felt him suddenly jerked away. My eyes flew open and I saw
Zeke standing there, hands on his hips and squinting his eyes at me
looking pissed as hell.
    “What the
fuck, Scarlett?” he bit out, glaring down at me.
    I looked
around wondering where Drake had gone. I mean, one minute we were
engaged in mouth-to-mouth foreplay, the next, Poof! So
leaning to the side to look past Zeke’s arm, his very large,
muscular arm, I saw Drake shrug at me then he was off to find his
next conquest. Well. Hasta la taco to you too, buddy.
    I stood
straight again and looked up at Zeke, and, oh, was he in for it now
because I’d had just enough to drink that my sassiness was front
and center.
    “What the
fuck, what , Zeke?” I challenged, putting my hands on my hips
too and glaring right back at him, my alcohol-fueled reasoning
being that it was his fault I was here in the first place, so I
deserved to be a bit snippy toward him.
    He leaned down
and got right in my face and snarled, yes, snarled, “You had your
fucking tongue rammed down my throat last night and now you’re
doing the same to Scott?” Man, was he mad.
    And why do
guys always call each other by their last names? Is it some kind of
military-related thing or maybe dude code or what?
semi-drunken thoughts aside, I then semi-drunkenly hissed, “And you
were practically eye raping Ms. Hotsy Totsy Sportswriter this
    He slowly
stood to his full height and my head moved back on my shoulders as
I followed. Dang. He had to be at least six-four because my
five-six self was straining a bit to look up at him. We stood
glowering at each other for a good thirty seconds before I
chickened out and had to look away but made the most of it by
moving my eyes down his body. And, God, he looked good wearing a
half-tucked-in light blue button-up shirt over a white t-shirt,
jeans and black work boots that looked scuffed like he’d bought
them that way. Totally GQ . Damn.
    “Why’re you
here, Scarlett?” he finally asked making me look back up at him,
his eyes piercing mine hotly and looking even more golden against
the blue shirt he wore.
    “Why am I
here?” I huffed out a laugh realizing now how ridiculous this whole
thing had been. “If you must know, I’m here to fuck Drake so I can
get you out of my head!” And why I was surprised when I blurted
that, I have no clue, because blurting my every thought seemed to
be the norm whenever I talked to Zeke. I moved my hands from my
hips wanting to cover my big, fat mouth with them, but crossed my
arms over my chest instead.
    I saw his jaw
muscles jumping like crazy as his eyes turned hard. Suffice it to
say, I don’t think he liked my answer. “You seein’ him?”
    It was then I
saw movement out of the corner of my eye and looking over, saw Jay
giving me a huge smile and a big thumbs up. Um. Okay.
    My attention
came back to Zeke. “No, I’m not seeing him!” He just didn’t get it.
My hands went back to my hips and I leaned into him. “And if I
were, it wouldn’t be any of your business anyway!”
    His eyes
narrowed on mine then his look turned smug. “Trying to get me outta
your head, huh?”
    I rolled my
eyes. “Don’t look so cocky. It wouldn’t matter who I fucked, Drake
or… or you .” I threw my hand out toward him when I said
this. Second time I’d discounted him that way, first the janitor
and now Drake. God, I was a bitch. You’d think he’d see it and tell
me to get bent. “It still wouldn’t mean anything and it’d be

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