Island Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story (The Kisses Series Book 9)

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Book: Island Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story (The Kisses Series Book 9) by Krista Lakes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krista Lakes
    “Well, tell me everything,” Rosie pried. “Was Gabe the man he claimed to be? Did he look like he did in the pictures? I hope he looked like his pictures. He was model material.”
    I rolled my eyes and chuckled softly to myself. “Yes, Rosie. He was the same guy as in the pictures. And actually, the date went really well. I was honestly kind of surprised by how fun it was.”
    “Really?” Rosie said, leaning forward. Well, as forward as she could with her belly. “You mean you liked him?”
    “I said the date went well. I didn’t say whether or not I liked him.”
    Even if I did like him, which I totally didn't, there was no way I was going to tell Rosie that. There was no way I was going to tell her that I thought he was charming and handsome and had made me laugh all night long. She would just rub it in on how she knew best.
    Rosie saw right through me, though. Her eyes widened with delight and she couldn’t help but to let out a giggle. “I knew it! I knew it was going to work out with him. See, I’m the best matchmaker there is, Harper. You should have let me set you up all along.”
    “Rosie, I love you, but I think you’re getting a little ahead of yourself,” I said, pushing her feet off my coffee table and onto the floor a little roughly. “I mean it was only one date and just because it wasn’t completely horrendous, doesn’t necessarily mean that he qualifies as my future husband.”
    “I think you’re playing it off as something much smaller than what it really is,” she said as she twirled her hair with a pride-filled smile plastered on her face. “You haven’t had a decent date in years, Harper. I mean, I just don't want you to screw this up like you did with Craig.”
    I cringed and felt a little burst of anger fill me as she spoke. I hated it when she brought up Craig. The relationship had fallen apart when he had taken a job overseas. The breakup wasn't my fault, but the hurt of that breakup still stung.
    “First off, Rosie, that’s entirely unfair to bring up my relationship with Craig.” I did my best to keep my voice calm, even though I wanted to scream the words. “It’s not even relevant to what we’re talking about. Craig and I were finished years ago. He ended it. Not me.”
    “Right, that’s my point, Harper,” she said, ignoring the warning in my voice. “The last good date you had was with him. What have you been doing for the past three years? Seems to me like you’ve spent all your time going on bad dates. I was merely stating a fact. This date with Gabe has been the first decent one you’ve had since Craig.”
    I was beginning to get legitimately annoyed. What she was saying wasn’t wrong, but it was something that I already knew. There was no point in bringing it up and the only thing it was doing was making me look and feel bad.
    “I don't want to talk about Craig or Gabe,” I said firmly. “Change the subject.”
    Rosie didn't get the message. “Don't push Gabe away like you did Craig is all I'm saying.” She shrugged as if it was entirely my fault that the relationship had fallen apart.
    “Look, dating outside of college is infinitely harder. Once you start working, your circle of friends change. It’s not the same.” I snapped back, red filling my vision. “And not everyone can just marry their boss.”
    The words fell out of my mouth and I immediately felt bad about saying them. It was definitely a sore spot for her.
    Low blow, Harper. Put the claws away and leave your sister alone, I thought, putting my hand over my mouth. I immediately wished I hadn't said anything. Just because she was pushing my buttons didn't mean I needed to push back.
    Rosie looked to the ground and I could tell that what I had said hit home for her. Her shoulders slumped. I took a calming breath, knowing that she was here because she loved me. I walked up and sat next to her on the couch, wrapping a loving arm over her shoulder.
    “I didn’t mean that,” I said.

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