Island Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story (The Kisses Series Book 9)

Free Island Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story (The Kisses Series Book 9) by Krista Lakes

Book: Island Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story (The Kisses Series Book 9) by Krista Lakes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krista Lakes
it immediately. Instead, you should wait until you get a second date with Gabe and then when his inner craziness finally comes out, you’ll have plenty of things to write about.”
    “You know, that’s actually not a bad idea,” I said slowly. I could see this post going well as long as he went crazy. The idea of him turning out to be awful was rather depressing, though...
    “You’re welcome,” Cora responded sarcastically. “I should start charging you for this advice.”
    “You might want to,” I agreed. “Someday, I'll be rich and famous because of your ideas.”
    “Besides, even if Gorgeous Gabe doesn’t end up wanting to see you again, there are plenty of fish in the sea who you can write about,” Cora said. “In fact, don’t you have another first date tonight with some other guy? I’m sure that one will be great fodder for your blog.”
    I quickly jumped up from my chair and glanced at the clock. I had been so focused on Gabe that I'd completely lost track of my other dates.
    “Oh no!” I said. “I had completely forgotten about that! Cora, I’ve got to get ready. Thanks for the reminder.”
    Cora giggled. “No problem. Have fun with tonight’s victim! I hope it goes terribly. And I mean that in the best possible way.”
    “Thanks, lady.”
    I hung up the phone and got undressed to take a shower. My thoughts weren’t really on my upcoming bowling date with this new guy, though. They were still on Gabe.
    Calm down, Harper, I told myself. You just had one date with the guy. Just because you haven’t had a good date in years, doesn’t mean you’re going to marry the dude. Plus, like Cora said, there’s a good chance he has some of that slow-burn crazy yet to reveal.
    With the thoughts of Gabe pushed to the back of my mind, I got ready for the evening. I only had about an hour before I had to meet this new guy at the bowling alley.
    And this one was sure to be promising material for my blog. I just had a feeling.

    A s if I wasn’t already feeling rushed enough to get ready for a date with a stranger, my sister decided to stop by, unannounced. I had barely hopped out of the shower and squeezed into some skinny jeans before my doorbell sounded. I knew it was Rosie even before I went to the door. She was a surprise-visiting madwoman and the only one who would ever show up to my house without some kind of warning.
    “I’m coming!” I shouted, as the doorbell continue to ring.
    If she wasn’t so obtrusive, I’d just give her a damn key to the house, I thought. I realized just how awful of an idea that would be. I’d have my mother and Rosie at my house constantly if they had free access. As much as I loved them both, I didn't think I could handle that.
    I slipped on a simple blue blouse and then ran downstairs. My hair was still wet as it bounced over my shoulders. Sure enough, when I turned the corner, there was Rosie standing at the front door. She waved when she saw me.
    “Hi, Rosie,” I said as I unlocked the door and let her in.
    “Jeez, Harper, what took you so long?” she asked. “I’ve been standing out here forever.”
    “I was in the shower,” I responded. “I do have things to do, you know? Working from home doesn’t mean that I’m never working.”
    “Well, that’s why I came over,” she said, as she pushed past me and made her way to the living room.
    I closed the door and followed her, feeling my wet hair drip down my back as I moved. With my sister’s visit, I doubted that I’d have time to dry and straighten it, so I basically just accepted that I’d have curly hair for this date. Rosie plopped down on my couch and kicked her feet up onto my coffee table.
    “I noticed that you haven’t updated your blog today,” she said. “And it got me to wondering about your date last night.”
    “Oh yeah, last night’s date,” I mumbled. I'd meant to call her and tell her about it, but I wasn't quite ready for the 'I told you so' that I knew was going to come with

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