His Christmas Rose

Free His Christmas Rose by C.M. Steele

Book: His Christmas Rose by C.M. Steele Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.M. Steele
and opened her door. Standing, blocking the wind but turning her body to face him, he said with all his heart, “Rose, I love you. I really do. I don’t understand how it could happen, but it did. I feel in love with you, I think from the first moment you stepped out of the car.”
    “Oh Spencer…” She had tears streaming down her pretty face. Spencer waited with baited breath to hear what her reply would be.
    “I don’t understand it either or when I knew for sure, but I love you, too, so very much.”
    They kissed with the feelings the words they spoke embodied. “Damn it. Why do we have to have company right now? If we didn’t, baby, I would take you before we even made it to the nearest soft surface.” She giggled but agreed she was feeling very needy for her Spencer’s loving.
    “We have lots of soft surfaces here, and I can feel the cold is not affecting you that much.” She saucily gave him a look that challenged him to refuse.
    “In the back, now, woman.” She giggled as she jumped in the backseat and pulled her pants down and assumed the position.
    “Oh lord, woman, are you trying to kill me by sticking that fat ass in my face. Baby, this has got to be fast.” She wiggled her bare pink ass in front of him, taunting him like a bull with a red flag.
    “Oh, this is going to be really fast.” He smiled cheekily and bent over and bit her ass.
    He got on the foot rail and jumped up in the truck with his pants down only enough to let his guy loose and ready for action. He checked her sweet pussy with the tip of his cock and found she was just as ready as he was and sunk his way in and rode her home. The cold had no affect on their libidos. Spencer pushed deep and gripped her hips to keep his leverage. It was not long before they both reached fulfillment.
    Their cries of ecstasy could only be heard by the deer in the fields. The cold winds bearing down on the hills had hidden their noises, but it didn’t stop the truck from swaying. It was how Richard had found them and quickly turned back to the cabin to leave the lovers undisturbed. At least he could set his wife’s mind at ease and hope that there would be a wedding and some grandchildren in the near future.
    It was nearly an hour since the public brawl when the two missing trucks pulled up to the cabin.
    “Well, did you have another accident and have to walk back to the cabin?” called out Ryan as he was picking at his mother’s freshly made cookies, earning a fast smack on the hand from the worried mom. Racheal Kane had a habit of baking or cooking when she was nervous, and it was only when Richard came back to tell them they were all just having a talk that she calmed down and started to plan out the upcoming weddings.
    The guys had explained what was going on with Reed and Danielle. Well, as much as Reed was able to tell them on the way to town, so she had assumed that this was more than just another boyfriend.
    It was clear Spencer was hooked so the wedding was a done deal. As far as she was concerned it was just a matter of how soon. From Spencer’s actions, she would say New Years was looking like a sure thing.
    “Rose, can I talk to you for a minute in private?” Reed had asked his half-sister.
    “You two can go into the den,” Spencer said, then placed his hand on the small of her back and whispered, “remember I love you and so does Reed.” She smiled up at the man who had changed her whole world, and he captured her lips as though it were the last time he would be able to do so. That is the way it would be for all their life if he has his say.
    Reed and Rose entered the den and he closed the door.
    “No Rose, let me get this out. I am sorry that you had to find out this way. I really wanted to tell you sooner and in private, but unfortunately that was not the case.” He started running his fingers through his hair.
    “You knew? For how long? Did Spencer know?” She thought he may have known by his lack of

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